There is no greater enemy than the one who holds the mind hostage. And the jailer is the self.
For there is no pardon when the bars are created by your thoughts. And the crime is one for which there is no escape.
So sad it is when a life sentence and there is no reprieve. When you can’t find escape because the key is held in your esteem.
This is the journey of the wounded. The poor souls of broken hearts who get stabbed while bleeding.
I don’t think there is any excuse for some of the hate that is peddled as love. It is truly from Satan in my opinion.
That is the time in life for which you could find more understanding. But so often all you get is people who either don’t care or want to tell you about their problems.
So they are not willing to listen other than to compare wounds. It becomes a case of them trying to tell you how much worse off they are.
This is never something that helps. It doesn’t inspire and give hope all it leads to is bitterness.
I am grateful for the Lord’s mercy in that regard. That even though we fall and end up in valleys He finds a way.
A way to touch us. It might take years, but He knows when that time is right to reach us where we live.
And to do it in a way that we will belief. His words will always carry a light to show us the truth.
So often others will not let us see the truth. They have their agendas and even if they claim they want to help at times they don’t.
Friends are a blessing. They can truly touch and encourage. And they are a gift from the Lord.
But they can make mistakes and be less than helpful at times too. In their effort to do what they think is best for you they make things worse.
To that end we have to rely upon the Lord’s spirit for understanding. For He will help us know ourselves.
And that is the start of any journey towards growth.
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