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Sunday, February 22, 2009


Wish done was always the same as finished. But it isn’t. Not to me. I mean there are times when we just plain quit.

Oh we will always have reason. Made plenty of excuses myself. And it always sounds so good at the time.

Why I might even manage to pray about it. Yeah I can turn it into some wonderful and eloquent.

One can come away feeling so good about the failure. Come up with all kinds of ways to make it sound like a learning experience.

Getting to the truth is hard. It can be so difficult to make that trip. To allow oneself to actually accept those failures.

Fear is hard to admit. It is a challenge to face the shadows of life and do it willingly. So much of a challenge.

And that will impede growth. Of that you can be sure. It is sad. Because it is hard to deal with that honesty.

I wrote this column for my writer’s site talking about grace. And it was centered about some pain I had over being hurt by a person.

Well I never mentioned a person in the column. I just was speaking as the Lord had directed.

Not to surprising I suppose this one person decided to defend themselves in a reply. A lot of rambling that was totally unnecessary.

Such is the nature of guilt. When one has too much to hide and tries to make it seem like the are good inside.

I did have to smile at the Lord’s wisdom. This person just totally exposed themselves for their guilt.

So what was secret suddenly become public knowledge. This did not improve the person’s reputation.

They choose to reveal their nature before the world. And that is how God works at times with making sure lies get exposed.

And I just want to move on. To hopefully have some peace over once again dealing with somebody who wasn’t honest.

Might even meet someone unlike that down the road.


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