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Sunday, February 15, 2009


What dwells within that isn’t marred? That doesn’t leave us with the need to improved? And it is the thing that we do think about.

There is just an aspect to life I think whereby we do crave the need for change. But the difficulty is wanting to control the change.

This is the part that can be challenging. Because God doesn’t always give us the option in the types of change.

It will come, but according to His will. And so often we don’t enjoy not being able to control those choices.

Which is part of why I think that the Lord uses it to teach us. He always knows the ways to make it really impact us.

And when we resist it gets worse. We will not enjoy the process. We will get frustrated and upset.

What I marvel at are the ways some need to just find anyway to avoid accepting when life is other than choice. They will work so hard to give any situation a twist that makes it seem other than it is.

I was dealing with this person that has worked very hard to create the image of being loving and caring. Wish the truth agreed.

But it never does. And the problem is when what you say disagrees with what you do. When you contradict the words.

Oh how some will excuse that. They will be more than willing to give you an excuse and call it truth.

As far as real change though. Or being honest about the behavior, forget it. They will always avoid that option.

And it never seems to bother them in any way that others see the hypocrisy. That you can be sure doesn’t happen.

So instead they cling to their illusions. Play their games and are content with their lies. Only God does know the difference.

Nothing is a bigger blessing to me than when we come to that place of real truth. The one where we pause and see ourselves as God does.

I am grateful for when He shows us those realities and it becomes a truth. One that helps us make steps in the right direction without fear or lies.


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