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Thursday, February 05, 2009


Variety can be such a luxury. It can truly be something you can cherish. Providing you have the joy of making it so much of an option.

Which is hard if you don’t have freedom to visit other than new locations in your mind. That can be a definite challenge.

For some of us change is not always an easy option. And then you have to struggle just to function.

There are the types of change that are natural and beneficial and the ones we can’t control and don’t want. But there are times it is necessary.

And for those occasions how we handle it will different from person to person. Hopefully it will be a blessing.

So the process we go through can be stressful or it can be pleasant. There is no given method that truly applies in all situations.

Where the hard part comes in is when the Lord is the author of our transition. While this may be a theme I’ve posted in some ways before, it just was on my mind as of late.

Mainly because I’ve gone through some major changes in the last couple of years. Ones that I never expected.

It is the type that were very traumatic at times and yet necessary. When it happen I was prepared.

Have to admit still don’t have all the answers. Sometimes there are aspects, which still don’t make sense.

Yet, I know the Lord was doing it in part for my benefit. I have accepted the good and tried to cope with what doesn’t seem to be helpful.

In the process we do at times also allow ourselves the ability to step on the path of faith. To allow a degree of trust to prevail.

And from that vantage point it is difficult to always come to some precipice where it all makes sense. I wish that was possible.

But I do honestly have those times when there are situations in the past that I still don’t understand. And that is a reality I have just not let cause me to quit.

I do cherish that God’s spirit comforts in the process. That He does give strength. Only at times I wish for more light and not so much strength.

Grace is the backpack that holds the hope.


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