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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This is sure easy to not understand. So often truth is one of those things we say we want, but not really.

If it means that we have to change then forget it. If it means we have to see ourselves as other than good never mind

But that is okay. As long as you are only concerned with your image. So many are merely focused on that aspect.

Which is not what God sees. I think it is sad the number of people who often decide what the Lord says without benefit of scripture.

It really happens so often. People will define spirituality without any biblical reference. Such is the nature of some.

Does that work? Not really. Using emotions and personal preference to interpret the Lord’s ways is not really truth.

Still it is often how some approach it. I recently had a case where I wrote this column about grace.

I reference the problem of dealing with a person who had wounded me and had no ability to admit it. The focus was more about the person no understanding grace. For they couldn’t accept they did anything wrong.

But I wrote it without mentioning the name as the Lord commanded. It was again about grace.

Now in my column I mentioned some scriptural truths. I used them to be the focus of the writing.

And not too surprising nobody who responded gave any scriptural references. Oh they had their opinions, just no scriptures.

Now you do get the ones who will misquote the bible. That is never better. But as for the truth, well it does get lost a lot.

In the end I wrote what God wanted to have said. I’m not sure it was received that well by some.

But that is common. How truly can sting when it comes from the Lord. And that is when some don’t want to hear it.

One can avoid that risk. And if the person wishes to deny scriptural truths it is there right.

Just not God’s spirit talking.


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