Need is never an aspect of life that we enjoy. And it can be very tough to separate out need from want.
They sure can seem the same at times. When you are stressed out over life all problems seems like they are life threatening.
And if the emotions get a foothold on your mind that will make it even worse. So that makes it hard to focus on what is really important.
The mind can always conjure so many excuse to justify behavior that we never asked God about in prayer. If it sounds good then we just accept it
I can recall this couple once that had decided to embark on this part time business. They were going to make crafts to sell in stores.
These were going to be inspirational and they would sell them at Christian book stores. Now at no point did they mention ever asking the Lord if this was his will.
But they sure were convinced it was the right choice. They even went out and bought a SUV in anticipation of needing the room for all the crafts they would sell.
This "blessing" from the lord lasting about two months. They never did sell any crafts, but oh they sure had faith that God was going to bless the effort.
Eventually, they had to let the SUV be repossessed. And later they never mentioned the adventure at all.
I think if I remember, they did donate the crafts to the church for tax purposes. I believe they ended up in a closet.
It had a door that seldom was opened. Which was probably for the best. Sometimes darkness is a great way of hiding secrets.
I do believe that God does provide and more than just our needs at times. But one does have to be willing to listen.
And that is never easy for some. Which is why God is merciful to us at times. That is the part we all can savor.
Enough to look into the daylight and honestly seek his will rather than our own desires as priority. It should be enough for use.
Sometimes it is. Others we just sit and wonder. We move ahead in stumbling steps, hopefully grateful for his grace.
I know I am. And always will be.