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Friday, August 03, 2007


Wonderful at the times when we can reflect in calmness about some past storm. It can be so soothing to remember the moments when we thought our world was going to end and it didn't.

Time is so touching at helping us to at times rise above our sadness. Providing we learn from the valley. If we survive and learn nothing then it is a tragedy.

God's spirit can often grant us the capacity to see through the shadows. To be able to look at the darkness and truly understand.

Not everyone is able to do that. Some will always wallow in the sad location of being nothing, but blind.

They will eventually rise from one valley, but only to be able to find another and never actually appreciate what the valley is suppose to teach. Such is the sad nature of where life leads at times.

There is no life that is lived without that problem. We all travel from one moment to the next and it will include both mountains and valleys.

It can't be escaped. Just traveled. We can do it with the Lord's help or without it. If we embrace his guidance then we find ourselves seeing clearly.

How often the joy of blindfolds does prevail though. There are occasions when we just enjoy the opportunity to not look at the valleys.

What is sad is when we spent a life time in such blindness. Just accepting the view of what is real that makes us happy.

That doesn't mean it is healthy. Nor does it mean that the person will ever change. Until there is a collision with reality.

How often we plant those seeds of denial in life. Growing a nice thriving garden where everything looks wonderful and scenic.

If you don't look to close then it is fine. The world is perfect and our little plot is ideal. However that can change at a heartbeat.

It doesn't take much. Just a little storm to upturn the plants of illusion that have such shallow roots.

Then we can move ahead, providing we don't replant them. Some will spend forever in that chore.

Others will learn as god intended. For which we can be grateful if we get a passing grade.


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