I work with this one person who sees everything good as super. At least that is the word choice this person uses all the time.
I'm not personally inclined to see it as a good thing. Only because it to me doesn't really translate into reality for most of the things in life.
Well not from what I have experienced. For me this is one of those things like saying "have a nice day." You never really mean it. Just something that gets said to be polite.
Sort of like asking, "Are how you?" We will ask it out of habit, but I doubt we really want to know the answer.
And if the person did really answer it we might smile, but would probably forget the comment later. Not so much because we don't care, but because we didn't really ask expecting an answer.
There is and always will be a difference between the dialogue of concern and the dialogue of passing social niceties. And it is always important to appreciate the difference.
One is a question of real concern the other just a passing comment. In social settings or at work or some salespersons I think we are conditioned to hear such things. They roll off our back without really soaking into our thinking.
Which is why we might expect otherwise in a spiritual setting. We just have hirer anticipations when it comes to spiritual arenas.
Is that realistic? Well perhaps. But it would in part be dependent on if the setting truly where love exists or just one that is draped in pseudo righteousness. That is a climate where people say all the right words out of habit, but don't actually care.
And why I think is because it is expected. Not helpful ultimately, but expected by some. It is the widow dressing of feigned compassion that is used to create the illusion that God is involved with what takes place.
I have seen those who genuinely are possessed of God's spirit. They are not prone to be over dramatic or make themselves seem more loving than they really are. They do not have the need to lie about their feelings or act in a way that makes them appear to be other than what they are.
Perfect is not the word that applies to this situation. But it does involve honestly. God inspires genuine reactions. It will be natural and sincere. That is the mark of God's presence.
But sometimes it just needs to be reminded in our thinking.
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