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Sunday, August 19, 2007


My wife and I had occasion to visit a few places we used to find so endearing long ago. We cherished them as places with great ambience.

Only problem is the atmosphere was gone. Time had aged the enchantment. What was charming once is now dead in terms of appeal.

It was sad to see some favorite old haunt lose its soul. For me that is the essence that touches inside which is other than based upon things visible. It is more felt than understood with our senses.

That doesn't always appeal or concern some. They can visit somewhere and only gauge what they see and never what resides beneath the image.

I think God leaves those kinds of spiritual fingerprints in many areas. A way of reminding us of his reality. They can be very inspirational if you inhale them.

But for those who ignore those messages and signs they become less than meaningful. Just another place for distraction.

Such distraction can impede in other ways too. People can be conditioned by life and even in houses of worship to only translate their surroundings by the predictable.

They may never hear the voice of Lord calling from somewhere beyond where they see life. Just another lost message that leaves the person less than feeling God's presence.

But to embrace the Lord and his works reaches beyond the obvious. And in such cases they do allow us to find even in a place of nostalgia something worth cherishing regardless of how it has been transformed by time.

This is sight without eyes. A vision seeing clearly where other see nothing. And one that is and can be a blessing.

However, we don't have to appreciate this reality. We can ignore the signs and lose the valid of the moment.

God leaves his traces for us to find. Some will look and come away with awe. Others will glance and go what?

It is up to us if we wish to see the beauty God gives for us to enjoy or see only what lies on the outside. Time grants us such choices.

I can not say how it will be the Lord's way if we don't embrace it as he intends. Just that we miss out on what was meant if we don't look.

Hopefully, we find the gaze more blessed than not looking.


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