It is amazing how many time we ended being forced to return to some valley or trial we already experienced. Which so often comes at a point when we feel we worked so hard to make sure we didn't get detoured to that same place a second time.
Such realities can truly kick one in the stomach and totally demoralize at times. We just feel so frustrated and annoyed by the seeming failure in our ability to control our surroundings.
So in addition to feeling totally depressed you have the added pain of knowing you have lost the illusion of being able to control your life. That never feels good.
Wish we had a way to avoid such options. There are so many times in life that we could say that about. But it never quite works out that way.
In the process we also may fail to appreciate that the Lord has reasons to have us endue the same experience more than once. One being, naturally, that we didn't learn our lessons the first time.
With God, being our heavenly father, he truly does care about our well being. But also for our spiritual health.
So a lesson for us may have more than one purpose. It can be to help us gain understanding about problems we have in this life. Areas where we need to change something.
It can also be a reminder of how we have some part of our lives that we haven't surrendered over to the Lord. Which can be very painful if he already gave us one hint and we ignore it.
Hopefully as we sit in the midst of the valley and feeling sorry for ourselves we can stop long enough to ask the important question. Basically, instead of why are we here, to ask is the Lord trying to send me a message?
Sometimes till we are prepared to ask that question, God will not change our situation. He will keep us in the position till we stop complaining and finally get the message.
There is no set rule in that regard. Every valley is different. You just don't know unless you embrace them for what they truly mean.
Perhaps the most important thing to is being able to accept that we will make mistakes and sometimes the same ones more than once. Forgiving ourselves is one challenge that we will always face no matter where we travel.
But with God's help we will take the steps in his light and not drift off to some shadows where hate blinds.
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