Who doesn't feel this way at times? I can't imagine any of us who never has some time in life when we feel a lack of energy.
Weariness of the heart is harder to understand perhaps that other types. For that is dictated by moods rather than anything else.
When we are depressed life just never seems to be able to touch us in a good way. We can seem to muster the desire to actually face life's challenges.
I find this happens to me a lot when I have to say do my daily exercises. I do them enough that physically I am in a position where they drain, but never totally wipe me out.
But if I'm depressed, I just don't have the emotional energy to want to do my best. I don't give up though.
I always resolve to finish that day regardless of how I feel emotionally. It can be a challenge to be sure.
But I have learned that if I'm feeling down, quitting only makes things worse. It just really contributes to the feelings of sadness and depression.
Rolling around in my brain is the awareness that naturally I have also being doing this for the Lord. If it was just for me, I probably wouldn't mine as much, but it runs deeper than that.
There is just the abiding awareness of how there is more involved than my thoughts and needs. It is an act of trust to God to see me through the moment.
When I leave, tired and sweaty, I don't have any stories of which to boast. Not opportunities to tell about some victory.
There is only the calm joy of knowing I did what I needed to do. And that is enough for me. I feel the joy inside that carries me home.
Somehow it all quiets the storm inside. It may take a while, but I do eventually finding the darkness evaporating.
Never is sudden ways. Always in small manners that slowly lift the sadness. And for that I'm grateful.
God is there and I feel his gentle nudge upon my shoulder. It is enough to give me hope and calm for the remainder of the day.
I feel it inside where the ache thrives the most. And for that I am always grateful as a blessing that you can measure in dollars and cents.
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