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Thursday, August 23, 2007


Is there any way to make dull a reason to smile? Honestly, if something is monotonous why should we try and make it sound like it is fantastic?

Now I do feel that there are times things are not meant to always be excited. I got into a disagreement at one point on this issue when it came to Christianity.

I was dealing with this person who felt you really were a good Christian unless you smile and laughed all the time. Which given the fact that the life of faith often has so many challenges and valleys I did wonder how this could be reality.

And I didn't notice that to be the case in his situation either from what I noticed. He had as many sad times as they rest of us. Just didn't care to admit it.

Did this improve anything? Not as far as I could tell. It only make things worse. And who would regard that as a good thing?

I'm not sure lying about your feelings in any way makes life better. I also don't think it somehow makes God all that happy either.

However, when one has his own private agenda in terms of what one believes it is not surprising. And for now that will always be less than what will impress me.

Fortunately the one thing that does happen with such approaches is that sooner or later truth will bear down upon the illusion. All the lies will fall apart and the truth will dig at one's sense of reality.

Will that mean the person will change? Not always. Sometimes they just slip farther into the abyss of delusion.

That never makes one a better or happier person. It can actually have the opposite effect. And that will never be how to improve life.

But for the person who truly seeks truth, he or she will embrace whatever the truth is suppose to mean.

It might be painful, it might be good, but we will never have need for it to be a lie on purpose. Which is the only way to find peace in the midst of such options.

You will never persuade some of this. They will keep dancing in their underwear essence of denial.

And keep doing so regardless of what happens. For that is the nature of how such things work with them.

As for me, well I'm happy to take what comes and pray it will give a few real smiles along the way.


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