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Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Ah the fun in life of gluing some fantasy onto our reality. Just by passing the facts and sticking onto the truth whatever tale we think will work.

This is all less than helpful in life as far as coping with you actually face. But it does make for a nice distraction. Tell the day comes when your layaway of the facts has a bill that has to be paid. Then it really can hurt.

The last couple of weeks I was forced to deal with a person who was doing this wonderful job of presenting life as being lived in a certain life. There were a number of facts left out that version understandably.

Which was fine till I ended up learning the truth. That included discovering this person was inclined to being very deceptive and not admit to true motives.

All of which resulted in the sad situation where this individual was masking certain selfish motives. Not that this is anything unusual. Just that in this case, the person was so wrapped in the garment of denial that there was no way for the individual to admit in any way what was wrong.

Complicating this was having the person resort to quoting scripture. Naturally this was done out of context. And that hardly improved anything.

How sad it is when people become so blind on purpose. Living in the delusion of being good and thus never really seeing the truth or accepting the sin that abides.

As a result there can be no change or improvement. Which isn't a tragedy by itself. However if this denial is involved with a given sin that goes denied there can be consequences.

Such is the said nature of this kind of behavior. It always ends up with being something other than helpful in the long run.

And the more the person actually is involved in deception of a sin, when they intrude in God's will, the individual can risk consequences. Such in the nature of what people often ignore.

Adding to the problem is the fact that often God will not force the person to face that kind of problem immediately. He may tarry a while for them to think they are safe.

Later they will end up facing the truth. In a most disastrous manner. It can be so crushing to some.

Sadly, if such consequences never get the message across to the person then you end up finding out the hard way how going against the Lord's will can be so devastating. Too bad people don't always get that message later.


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