Can a person truly live on the mountaintop? I think the honest answer is no. However, I’m not sure we always accept that as true.
Life has more than its share of moments and valleys where darkness covers our moods. Which makes the lure of mountain top highs even more appealing. Still they are hard to reach because they are mountains and you simply can’t stay there. It a way of symbolism I suppose the reality is that the air needed to truly breath regularly is simply too thin at those altitudes.
Basically I think the fair question is whether one would truly even want to live on the mountaintop even if we could? It might seem like a silly question, yet is it really?
The mountaintop is after all that euphoric state where we are consumed with an indescribable joy. Only it is a fire that can only burn so long. Eventually we just get exhausted emotionally and the emotions cool.
Some who are addicted to such experiences because of other issues in their lives often find themselves drawn only to things like houses of worship where they can “feel” the Lord’s presence. Yet we know that God is everywhere.
Thus comes the sad irony of the whole process. Emotionally one seeks the spiritual clouds upon which to fly and feel that lilting sense of being.
However it all only impacts one aspect of life. Isn’t our real mountaintop also one which allows you to see more and farther? To grant one the precious joy of new and richer insights.
Sometimes those only take place when we are in the valley. We learn more about the Lord and our relationship with him in those dark places.
Not that feeling good is a bad thing. It is just that it is only temporary. If nothing is gained in terms of understanding when the feeling dissipates you have actually gained from the process.
Perhaps in this we can appreciate the sadness the Lord felt with those who were attracted to his miracles, but never to his or a willingness to be a disciple. They craved experience, not a new level of faith.
Higher and higher is also a state of being. It is that layer upon layer of thought added to life as we grow in the Lord. Only it doesn’t come in lasting foundations by spending all one’s time chasing the dazzle and glitz of life or spirituality.
There are times when you truly have to get into the very muck of life to see the glory of the Lord as he reveals himself in what we are experiencing. That is the kind of high that can last a life time.