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Saturday, June 10, 2006


This is most familiar in Christian thought with the communion. And for the most part I think many believers have been faithful in celebrating the communion as the Lord wished us to do.

But in the process of celebration some times one has to ask do we always engage our spirit and heart when committing our acts to a given ritual. It is so easy to get caught up in the doing without letting the reality sink deep into our thoughts. That is only human nature.

And I think God understands that. I also believe it grieves him when we insult his reality by going through the motions and thinking he doesn’t know the difference. Which is why for myself I came to the hurdle of facing reality that if my essence wasn’t really committed to something it was absurd to think it made any real difference, especially in terms of eternity.

At the very core then of spirituality for me is the heart. Our real desires. The more we face the demons of our flesh, the more we acknowledge them and surrender them to the Lord, the more we are likely to have real truth in our relationship with him.

I think of the many times I used to go through the motions of going to church and have my mind elsewhere. How many times I kidded myself that it was a good thing.

I’m not saying that one should abandon doing things such as going to church. I’m just saying that it is more important to listen to God’s spirit than be seen by men.

And when we do that. We can really begin to know the joy of spiritual intimacy as God intended. We don’t have to be held hostage to spiritual blackmail by tyrannical and abusive shepherds with private agendas and looking for slaves.

Then we shall know the freedom that Jesus spoke of how the truth shall set your free. It is a much quoted and often abused saying that is frequently used as a general comment without its spiritual meaning.

The qualifier to it was that you had to abide in Jesus. And one can’t truly abide in Christ by worrying about what others think. That is merely social slavery hidden in the shadow of some church’s cross.

Do this in remembrance is not simply a saying. It was intended to be so much more. Remembrance is the life blood where faith truly flows. It is the fire of genuineness where we find the balance from honesty that lets us stand truly before Lord in the nakedness of our desires and not feel a need to dress them with a lot of delusions.

Along the way we find in reality that life itself is the Lord’s tabernacle. He opens the doors to his presence in so many places outside the church to reveal himself to us. That is a blessing that only comes when remembrance is surrender to the Lord and not opinions of others.


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