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Friday, June 02, 2006


There is the joy that comes from life, from achievement and satisfaction for any number of activities one does. Conversely, sadness can also come into the soul from similar experiences.

All of this for me is a matter of the heart. It doesn’t survive beyond death and generally is transitory in terms or one’s emotions. Memories will of course always linger, both good and bad. Those that are from the scars of grief or other emotional pain just never completely heal at times.

Yet, despite the fleeting nature of life and how often we accept this reality, we still so often get consumed with such pursuits. Perhaps it is escapism from life’s pain or a way to avoid some truth about ourselves that is painful, but admittedly it sure can become addictive to chase rainbows. Those are the illusions and fantasies we allow to consume out thinking and dominate our motivations.

There is a joy that never truly evaporates. It may not keep us on the mountain top, but it will go beyond this life and into eternity. Passion is the fuel so often of our deepest desires. Touching that most intense part of our insides is a sensation that will never leave one’s thinking if it is genuine.

Despite the debate some might advance of the reality of the soul’s existence what I have experience tells me that nothing swirls as a enduring form of pure celebration that what comes from the Lord. It is a gift, it is a blessing and most of all it can give a flame to one’s life that has gone cold from disappointment or sorrow or simple emptiness.

And the truly great joy to me comes from knowing that above all this swirl of the most profound form of joy will survive to eternity. It is the bond, the greater repository of God’s touch upon our life that only grows in intensity once we are in eternity. We shall remember and rejoice. We shall praise with a new spirit and awareness and know a bless greater than we could ever imagine.

But until then, God’s spirit touches the call in his own special way. It is a unique form of divine fingerprint. It is one that can block out focus on this life, even if it isn’t for the rest of this existence.

Some never find this swirl of celebration. They get lost in the maze of rituals and traditions. They have faith, but their journey gets bogged down in a muck of thinking too much about this life and not eternity.

Let the wind of God’s spirit help us rise unto the breeze of a more eternal enduring form of inner celebration. May it bless and grant us more than the type of abundance of mammon upon which to diet.

Lord, grant us the heart to listen with our soul. Grant us the willingness to surrender on your terms and accept the mercy you blessed us with when we truly open our lives to your light.


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