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Friday, June 23, 2006


There is an old saying about, “Never saying never.” I think it probably fits in the same category and “be careful what you wish for.”

They are both in a subtle way speaking of how life can be so unpredictable. Which is probably why we do enjoy when we can depend upon things staying the same if we enjoy their condition.

Life would certainly be easier if we knew what tomorrow would bring. Plenty of people try to figure ways to do exactly that. However, as far as I know we can definitely appreciate how no method exists to guarantee such possibilities.

For some people this instability of reality leads them to be totally consuming with the idea of control. Which is understandable if they always admitted to same, but most of the time they don’t.

Instead it creeps into their vocabulary with words of absolutism. Words such as never and always work their way into their conversation.

And however wonderful it might sound, I’ve seen the times when people who have made such vows as never have had to retreat from that position. Naturally they never admit when they go back on their word and do other than is what they promise. It is always some body else’s fault.

When anyone does this such is part of his or her nature. They may not even accept that it is a problem. But the one thing you can know for sure is that they will never accept they did anything wrong.

If the person who does this claims to be a Christian it often signals to me that their idea of trusting God is other than based upon any real biblical form of faith. One can hardly be obsessed with being in control and also claim to let God be in control. Yet they often think they are pillars of faith.

I’ve normally found the opposite to be true. They do believe in God, but they never actually trust him for anything in their lives. And the whole time they go to church and think they are the most faithful saints in the world.

It is a sad delusion. One without any basis in reality. Regrettably it is also a fact that will for such people never change.

I am grateful at times for the situations God has placed in my life that forced me to lean upon him for help rather than trust to my own strength. I wish I could say I do it all the time, but I don’t.

Still, when I do, I so often found out how much better he is at taking care of problems than me. I have no idea for those who never learn such lesson if they truly have any faith or not. I just know how by not learning this truth they have been deprived of the greater richness of seeing God work in their life in a truly special way.


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