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Saturday, June 17, 2006


Sometimes the wind is just right, the day lacking in as many demands or distraction and you just have that restless need to sail beyond the world. It is a time for wings, but since we aren’t angels, providing they really even have wings, the flying is something that has to take place in our minds.

Some might call it daydreaming, others a waste of time, but I think our minds drift to the points above the clouds and beyond the horizon out of a legitimate need. What I’m speaking of is for me a natural spiritual extension of one’s faith. I mean natural because I honestly see it as a bond to our heritage. This is my opinion of course.

For me, I see the forebears of all mankind in Adam and Eve as beings that knew at one time a perfect life. Debating the nature of that existence is futile or speculation, but from my point of view I feel in the garden they knew an existence far more complete and whole than we could ever know. If the biblical record is one we can read into to some simple degree and see the potential, then perhaps they lived without certain realities we knew every day.

I’m speaking of a life without pain, aging or any of the other ailments of life we are forced to deal with every day. And even though they fell from grace due to sin I think the memories of that glorified state would always remain. Now could anyone really go through such a change and not have moments of regret that such a past really haunting their thoughts? I think that would only be natural.

So what would be so incredible about the idea of that memory and all the impact that existence had on their being ending up in some way being filtered into our nature. I see that as a very natural and predictable process.

The result being that there are times of inexplicable yearning and need when that element in our essence, which we can’t really complete understand simply overwhelms us with urges. We daydream and imagine. To a degree of course, some of that is relevant to our imagination and the predictable desires of the flesh. Those are not what I’m speaking of.

I’m referring to the other areas when we find ourselves drawn to what might seem like abstract or frivolous types of fantasies. I simply suggest part of that comes from our soul’s connection to the first man and woman. And as a link to faith I think it is also an implant by God to help whisper to us with flashes of fancy how we are truly more than flesh and blood.

If channeled correctly, I see that as a process of communion in part with God’s spirit where we let his spirit grant us wings. It will give us a chance to fly to places where our soul truly is replenished with a little glimpse of heaven and a life uninhibited by the flaws of a sinful condition.

But not everyone is prepared or willing to go on such journeys. So they resist thinking it merely a child’s game. However, oh the joy one can see unfold when our eyes are willing to let God’s spirit take us to images from old.


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