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Thursday, June 22, 2006


Retreating sometimes carries with it the stigma of a lack of courage. It conveys the image and feeling of not standing up for yourself and giving in to others.

In this life there are always clashes of wills. How many are because they are justified by either party is hard to say, but we do face the fact that there are plenty of people for whom greed is considered a justified behavior.

In the scriptures Jesus spoken of such things as turning the other cheek and also if someone wanted your garment you should give them your cloak too. Yet, I don’t think anyone how has read the scriptures would ever claim our Lord lacked courage.

So what is the balance we are to strive for? Can we be spiritual and be both surrendering and a warrior? It can be a difficult process to fully appreciate, especially since there are places where Jesus spoke to his disciples about being of good “courage.”

What do me is the qualifier is a matter of each situation being unique and requiring a different response. Is that easy? Never. Is it one where we can divorce ourselves from our own evil and greedy desires? That too is doubtful from my view.

I do feel that above all honesty and truth should be premiums in our choices. There are many times they are for they go against our desires in a given situation.

Some would venture to apply a some universal application of response to all situations. But it always end up being colored by that person’s prejudice. And sadly you can if so desired pretty much defend any point of view with scripture if so desired.

What remains critical to me is that our choice be faithful to what God would desire in a given situation. Only there are plenty of times our humanness and flaws simply override what we should do.

That is the joy of grace. And it is the core message that so abounds in the scriptures. God can deal with our failings, but he does make us face them. Which can be the hardest journey for many to make.

It is the harmony of listening and the balance in knowing that helps to let us ask the tough questions. And even more it is the joy of retreating into the arms of our savior as our strength and source of boasting that truly helps us rise above the pettiness of our own need for lies.

If we can embrace the type of freedom he avails us when we seek him for the right reasons. When we journey by trust in something more than ourselves.

In the distance is the sparkling jewel of reason has it is illuminated by God’s righteousness and spirit. Seeing it as our only real place of retreat can be the one vision that can carry us through and beyond the shortcomings of our soul.


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