This is more than a process of seeing. For plenty of people can see light, but being able to recognize the true source can be difficult.
In this case I’m not speaking of light in the traditional sense. Rather I’m speaking of the type that illuminates the inner eyes of the soul. It is that vision reaching beyond the skies and sees the silhouettes of meaning that surround each thing one encounters in life. That means to be able to see what is the very pulse of soul filled essence, which is resident within the realm of our dimension.
This might all seem elemental to some and foolishness to others, but to see with this kind of sight is often to appear blind in certain ways. For you might reach deep beyond the known to the language and interpretation that some think they can keep hidden.
Sadly it is also the realm of the arrogance. Because a little flicker of insight can inspire an inferno of pride that you somehow are special in the scheme of things.
God can touch the repository in each of us with the kind of sight to see more than the traditional. It is not that kind of sight that makes us special. It is the sight itself that is truly special because it is God’s gift.
How easy it is to get lost and blind by the misunderstanding of this reality. A prophet may be a voice of the Lord, but it is still the Lord’s blessing that makes him a prophet.
That seems to get ignore and disregarded by those who claim to be seers in a psychic way. Whatever gift they have becomes a matter of bringing attention to them. They profit from the experience if they get enough attention, but most of the time it isn’t God who gets the credit for their blessing, if you consider it a blessing.
In my own life I have found times when God has graced me with some insight. But I have never forgotten he is the source.
When the throng of seekers of such light chase after the latest flash of revelation I’m not sure it always drives them closer to see God in the process. I rejoice that God in any way touches my life with some moment of service to him that I might share even a fraction of a flicker that I know he causes.
It is odd, but for me the simple joy of letting the light shine as intended is enough. I don’t require any attention or profit from the process.
That doesn’t make me special, just one of seer who isn’t blinded by his own ego. Perhaps if you become or are touch with some special gift of sight, you can stop in the awe of the experience and rejoice over the one who truly makes it shine.
Beyond the words is the gaze unto which we must all look. Seeing heaven in the ordinary things of life and His beauty in the eyes of those others see as less than stars.
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