This can be taken so many different ways. As in big desires, but little results. Just one view I suppose.
But I do think it has relevance. After all you do have to appreciate the times this is the nature of life.
Not the we enjoy it, still it happens. Our mind is so capable of imagining things that will never become reality.
Which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing. After all there is a need to the release through imagination.
As long as we don't turn it into reality. Or at least keep it in perspective. That can be very difficult to accomplish.
Some manage it more than others. But as long as we cling to fantasy as our reality we will trip over our imaginary wings.
And this gets even worse when it relates to spiritual matters. For we can easily make the Lord's reality something based on our desires.
If one prays on those terms it never ends with a truly maturing faith. Just an abbreviation version that seeks to simplify faith in God.
Everything is kept in black and white and never all the gray elements of life. Such is the disadvantage of living under some delusion and expecting everyone else to do the same.
Still it is the habit some often find as necessary. In any case, I do savor the times when I can not indulge in beating myself up because God didn't do what we expected.
Instead we need to move ahead letting God grace us with his wisdom. Grant us eyes to see truth as he holds it.
This might be uncomfortable at times. Because we have to face the truth not dressed in our deceptions.
Some do this easier than others. And some will never stop treating their opinions as fact. For they will always regard their version of life more important than anything else.
But in God's hands we are lifted up. And if we allow that lifting to bring true sight, then what we see is the view he wants us to see.
For that we can be grateful. Providing we view reality according to wanted the real truth and not dress it up with excuses or our bias. Gone along the path were only the spirit can follow.
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