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Monday, February 25, 2008


Life in amounts we measure in our hearts. So often we do end up calculating life by some kind of total.

What totals we use depends on our values. The things we give price and worth that truly reflect our ideas of gold.

It will vary from person to person. And regardless of what people say, we will always have our chart of priceless to gauge what is worthwhile in our lives.

This is often reflected in subtle ways. And sometimes we don't even appreciate when it contradicts what we say.

It is most noticeable when it involves something spiritual. For we often have preconceived ideas on what it means to be spiritual.

Most of the time it is inspired in some way by what we have been told or taught. So it doesn't involve thought just habit.

It becomes so easy to leave that inside the church on Sunday. Then during the week act opposite of that conviction.

Perhaps during some bible study we admit to our shortcomings, but only in a non threatening manner. As if to solicit emotional support.

The whole time nobody ever bothers to question the whole process. They don't examine the values or their origin.

It is just assumed they are correct. And so they are just practiced without much though. Which never expands our understanding.

I remember being this church one time for Sunday school. They were discussing living their version of being a good Christian witness.

In their view this revolved around keeping the law. There was no mention of things such as faith and grace.

Neither did they ask anyone's opinion. It was more important for them to preach at everyone.

The priority was for us to accept their standards. Whether they were right or wrong, that was the ones that were being peddled.

And that is the sad part. For in the effort to try and portray truth and God what is often short changed is the truth.

It gets replaced by slugs of traditions.


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