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Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Anchors of life that we build our houses of thought. Not an intentional use of poetic license, but I think it is appropriate.

I guess because we often need those foundations in our lives to give them any sense of balance. Which is essential to help with our feeling secure.

Personally feeling secure has never been one of my strengths. I've always been dogged by the sense of feeling inadequate.

And it seems to only get worse when I feel tired or my emotions are in some valley. Then the creeping, snarling sense of despair really comes over me.

That is not a way to feel good about things. Nor does it ever improve the situation. I think the main key is to not let it rule your decisions.

No matter how dark the day or hopeless making major decisions when feeling like you are under a rock will not improve the situation. However, it is important to not ignore this reality either.

For to deny what is part of one's foundation is to also be unable to build upon its foundation in a way that leads to stability. Denial is never a glue that leads to a stronger life or abode of thoughts.

I have been unable to divorce myself from the attitudes that overpower me at times. And I have appreciated how God doesn't necessarily remove those cracks in my foundation.

What he does do is give strength to weather the storms. He will grants us the need to see when our foundation and how we need his help.

And when we do embrace our need and are able to move ahead with building it correctly then what is gain outweighs what is weak. Too many never do this kind of building.

I was chatting with a friend last night. And this person's personal life was a shambles. I listen to a litany of comments about all the times in his life that failure wasn't really failure.

His view was that the problem was the result of others falling short of his expectations. Which is fine, except he never admitted to doing anything wrong himself.

And the more he talked the more I appreciated there were many factors in his behavior that contributed to his problems. Just not ones that he wanted to accept.

Thus he never truly came to terms with the foundation in his life. And so his house was left in shambles, which he groped to understand. And kept looking for new building materials, without actually accepting he had bad building plans.


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