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Thursday, February 07, 2008


What is it that ties your life together? And how do you keep it from unraveling? Is there a thread you use to keep the day from losing its stitches?

Now I'm sure everyone has their own view on that one. I imagine some don't even have an answer.

At least from what I have observed. So many people I have known regardless of their abilities or intelligence seem to have totally messed up lives.

As if the one thing the person feels they need in life the most always eludes them. Which only complicates and frustrates.

Just amazing how often that seems to be true of people. It is so hard to understand at times.

I don't consider myself to be any exception. I have my own issues of unfulfilled wants. And I don't handle them much better than other people.

It is sad, but a reality. So our choice is not if we have problems or needs, but how we deal with them.

And that includes when it means they go unfulfilled with no chance of improvement. Now some would presume every problem has its solution.

Yet sometimes life doesn't open a given door. So we must content with the issue of reality.

Not that we enjoy it. We may even try to find reasons to avoid it all together. A common practice with some.

Through it all we can sometimes forget to actually check with the Lord. And that is when it truly is difficult. For that will mean we will fail to honestly listen to any words he might give us to understand our condition.

When this happens it means we end up not being able to gain a peace that only he can provide for any valley. We can lose the chance to find the words that will give strength.

This doesn't mean we can expect the solution will always result as we desire. Only that god will grace us according to his will.

Which robs us of any blessing to the soul. For standing in the shadows can be cold and dark

But with the Lord's help they we won't be alone along the during our travels and not feel a need to give up.


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