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Sunday, February 03, 2008


I imagine the first and obvious way this is applied is to the subject of cooking meat. Well done being a condition where the beef is cooked till their is no blood in it at all.

Of course everyone would perhaps interpret that differently, but that is how I would view it. Which is not really the main focus of this posting, just a reference.

On a spiritual level, the term is often associated with a faithful servant. As the Lord's comment to the one who lives of those standing before him as his judgment seat that followed his will.

I am grateful that God's standard for being well done is different than ours. And so many seem to never understand how it is difference.

All we do in obedience to God's leading is what he would be watch and gauge as our well done. It isn't simply the time spent doing things like going to church or whatever else gets us seen by others.

It is the passages of the soul we have to take at his leading. And it is how we respond in our hearts that truly tests our faith and values.

Well done is not doing it grudgingly or for bragging rights. It is not the process of out doing another by most time spent going to church.

That might impress others, but doesn't mean it will impress the Lord. How often we are brought to a point where we have not sight for the things of God.

We may forget he is everywhere. That he cares for the least and the outcasts. His love isn't limited to those who are members of a church.

And if we don't pay attention we can truly miss out on what is the times of being most well done. Those nudges at the spirit that inspire us to do more than just pew sitting.

We are told in scriptures beware of strangers from some are angels. The focus being that God tests our hearts by other than the predictable.

It means not leaving ourselves isolated in our thinking in terms of what God truly care about. To see his love in unpredictable places.

We reach out with sensitive souls and drink of the water of life where he let's it flow. Not basing our tastes on it being in a traditional well, but rather a place where his spirit dwells.

To live in awareness that God's gold is precious in any form it takes. And including one's where it appears tarnished. Such are the choices we face even when we ignore the Lord's voice.


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