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Sunday, February 10, 2008


There is a difference between seeing light and following the right light. For light or the flame of the soul does appear in many forms.

What we call as spiritual always shines with its own light. Just it isn't always from the Lord.

There are always forms of truth that will shine. They will carry some form of truth. But it doesn't mean the match came from God.

What is called spiritual differs from person to person. Some will always give it certain qualities that don't necessarily apply to real spirituality.

Such things as feeling love, joy, peace and a host of other feelings can be spiritual, but doesn't always mean it always comes from the Lord. If all the feel good is not given with God's message it doesn't mean his spirit is involved.

And for something to be from the Lord it must first point towards Him and His message. If it doesn't then God is not the author.

Some will never appreciate the difference. They will think that metaphors and using certain words is being spiritual.

And you can be sure they will exude the image of saintly behavior. But it doesn't mean it comes from God.

By that I mean that you can have all this insight and knowledge, but the Lord isn't the author. Oh some will insist it comes from the Lord, but they would hardly admit otherwise.

For me the difference comes in part from when honesty is involved. If the leader for example appears all righteous and never admit to having problems then you can be sure it doesn't mean God was involved.

Those truly chosen of the Lord will not avoid being honest about being imperfect. For Jesus is the light and not us.

If we hold us his light and not our own candle then we are able to not fear the truth of our own shadows. This often happens when people see themselves as perfect or a need to be blameless.

God doesn't inspire that attitude. And I'm not saying being imperfect as a leader is a good thing. Merely that we need the pedestal that is not whitewashed on which to put leaders.

For that way if they fall off we can see perhaps the pedestal itself was part of the problem.


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