The traditional meaning of this on a spiritual level would be related to salvation by faith in the Lord.
But there are many levels on which this applies in the life of a believer. For we are all less than perfect and therefore in need of being saved from more than our sins.
However, a lot of times that aspect of salvation gets ignored or missed. That is because so often I think the real nature of spirituality is misunderstood.
I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day on that issue. And this person admitted that at one point being concerned if I would accept the individual as a friend because of the person's association with things such as psychic experiences.
That is what some would say. There is sadly an element in the nature of people who are involved in traditional Christianity to justify hate as the same thing as love of God.
Which it never is. And those who wish to relegate the truth to a black and white condition that only keeps things are either or instead of truly seeking God never improves anything.
But is the normal practice with some. If you don't fit into their little confined view of life then there is something wrong with you.
Naturally this never brings enlightenment or joy. Just the opposite. It brings hate and all its consequences.
So there are times when this truly is sad. For it just weighs down the spirit with the heaviness that comes from so may views having no love.
Such is the nature of church life at times. Everything is kept within a certain confine of thought.
And if you question or deviate from that type of thought you can end up suffering in terms of a lack of acceptance. It will all be justified and prove you are not a true believer.
God truly exists outside of such limited thinking. He does not even approve or anoint such mentally myopic vision.
And for some they just keep plotting away at the art of pew sitting and decide it is enough. Then they simple live totally oblivious to the truth.
Which with some can stay that way till they die. This is the ultimate sadness so often. Something that they will never even understand until the stand before the Lord, when it is too late to find out you were wrong.