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Thursday, April 30, 2009


To dwell in a haze where you can’t see the mirror,
always depending on a voice
for what is truth about the image.

Mind treated as a clay
that somebody always tries to mold
into their idea of life,
so dizzy from being twisted and turned,
left dazed and incapable of concentrating
on what face truly exists.

Finally stumbling out of that fog,
finding a sun that you see for the first time,
it guides you to a pool,
where the waters wash away the dirt
you never realized was clinging to your life,
underneath in its reflection
at last you see the person,
which you really never recognized.

Discovering scars you had forgotten,
also features in the profile
weren’t aware dwelled apart of your being.

Death comes to illusion,
dark talons of self hate shrivel,
suddenly light exposes the reality,
and you feel a flood of the unfamiliar
immerse with intensity,
learning it is the joy of acceptance
when coming alive in the newness
of what was meant to be.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Want My Innocence Back

I want to close my eyes
let the world slip away,
all the lies and thorns die,
until my heart can feel
only the touch I once knew
from angels and fairies,
before they sky turned hostile,
land was stalked by villains
and faces flared in fiery flaws.

Take me back to the place
where I could still believe
in myths and magic,
didn’t depend upon the news
to paint life with an icy brush,
stroke over the glitter,
while leaving only trash.

Because when ignorance was my castle,
my insides felt the sun give life,
the day spread before me with its marvels,
oh sweet bliss I knew in my virgin eyes,
what enchantment dwelled in every night.

Now I sit with aged view,
wisdom coming with pain,
knowing what I couldn’t imagine,
but at the price of my youth’s embrace
of imagining there was nothing impossible,
waiting on the morning
expecting it to bring miracles.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Arches over the life’s avenues,
paths of fiery claret heart streaks,
passionate and memorable,
strolled in the bliss of solitude
amid the calming scenes
sought in serene and sanguine steps.

Rising over the splendor and emerald mantle
with its tranquil tones and alluring fragrances,
following that bridge to discovery of the nature within,
transcending the thoughts that distract and decay,
while feet reach the meadows
where light bathes the mind in greater revealing array.

From the place of disquieting
slowly evolving from the inner chaos.
learning the sounds and scents that entice
into a vision seeing a beauty that starts inside,
embracing its part in the deeper riches
felt among the wonders found in a journey
ever looking for answers
found upon the wind,
while crossing from the lairs of inhibitions
to caress Mother Earth’s tapestry.

Roaming taking the sojourn
from gaze at thickets and lush surroundings
unto the utopian touch for the heart,
draped in the sweet lace of union
between the pearls of creation
and the jewels in the soul.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I wish specific meant true. But then that would be idealistic. And it would be great if details always improved things.

The other day I was bike riding, which is something I truly enjoy doing. It is just a thing I do in lieu of going to the gym.

Now I can’t afford an expensive bike so I’m been going the affordable route. I figured for what I do that would be enough.

But now I’m appreciating that in this case the affordable option is not necessarily the best choice. Oh that doesn’t mean it is always the bad option.

Basically I’ve had two bikes break down on me. Not being an expert on bikes I really didn’t know what to expect.

Still I have learned. Enough to know this means more of an investment than I originally expected.

The point of this posting though is not to make it about that aspect. More about how often God uses naturally means to convey facts we will remember.

And these we often don’t forget. The facts become truly etched into our thinking. Would be nice if we didn’t need this.

But so often we only learn by experience. And if we can do so by having the Lord teach us to keep trusting Him, all the better.

It is amazing how we don’t get it so many times. Really miss the truth in such occasions and that is why we need hard lessons.

But these only help if we truly learn. And you can be sure they will be repeated if we don’t.

Eyes of faith are willing to look at the facts and truly see the Lord in it all. Even when mistakes are made.

We move ahead not in excuses, but praise. Those times when we can celebrate His grace that loves us enough to keep teaching us.

And if that helps us to move ahead then it is a blessing. If we remained resistant then it is a bad option.

To know the different is to have joy over the lessons. Not to get upset because we are slow learners.

Growth is the process of truth and willingness to see if for the real facts.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Cranking out thermonuclear clones,
making sure vaporized bodies
don’t have a chance to reassemble,
paranoia never seeing any surplus or waste
in means of killing imaginary enemies

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Books of matches formed by lips,
combustible parental whispers thought unheard
by ears with pliable hearing,
each vowel of suppressed suggestion
striking a flame into a heart’s darkness,
scorching it and charring the walls
where the rules of life are written.

Conscience barbecued by the heat,
vision fueled by hate’s lighter fluid,
world seen as combustible kindling,
a place to burn until it is as charcoaled
as the feelings inside.

Behind the eyes the furnace is stoked,
waiting for a firestorm opportunity
and all around life ignores the vapors
rising in hints from smoldering words.

How much could little hands devise
that can strike an inferno before the day?
Dribbled equations in rationalization,
safely sequestering the harbinger sparks.

Burning permit used without being issued,
something must explode tonight
because without that light within,
the blackness inside can’t be ended.

While minds raced to their token communions
fireplace is made among their huts,
suddenly what was neglected
rages out of control.

But the devastation becomes a maze,
where fingers point at ruination,
looking for scapegoats
as long as it doesn’t point to self.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Here is not the place where we are always located. It can be the place in our hearts or heads.

That private temple where the god we truly worship dwells. Hard to always recognize by what some say.

Normally it will be more obvious when the person speaks. And yet not always. Unfortunately Christianity does have a spiritual language.

And thus you can learn to say all the right things to make it seem like you have so much faith. You can be so convincing with the right practice.

However the Lord is so good at putting us into situations where are faced with a crisis. The bigger the crisis the more our really values will appear.

It is amazing how quickly one’s believes can be revealed as something other than what is being said. Which can really detract from the person’s witness.

And it is amazing how easy some fall into the practice of making such a show of their convictions without a challenge. But the moment that changes the words change.

A whole lot more rationalization. And a lot less truth. More reason to justify the need to not really trust the Lord.

Oh they might not put it that way. But the bottom line is that in the transition from peace to trail the mind makes concessions.

Now the sad part is when this becomes a habit. Then it always gets worse. Because the person never sees the truth.

Which is that this is a test. A challenge meant to cause the person to see what really resides within.

It is a battle many lose. And will never even realize it. They will just gone on once the crisis has passed thinking they are only.

It is a sad game the mind plays. And one for which there is never really a victor. Just he lost of truth.

Along the way some will always find a reason to move ahead. They will benefit from the process.

Even if it means that will not happen when the person is in good times. Some times the challenges remain.
And the joy that comes in discovery makes it all important.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Collectibles scarred and worn,
ordinary decorum made distinct
by some admiring eyes,
who saw a treasure neglected,
yielding lines and textures
telling tales with a touch.

Age not a curse to the one
seeing creations improving in their vintage worth.

It isn’t appreciated when sitting on a shelf,
doesn’t surrender its real mysteries
until you stop and truly explore
all it has to offer,
discovering every feature,
assessing each facet,
seeing in that object
a mirror to gaze at one’s own self.

Being a container holding the resonance
of a living inventive artistry,
fingers forging their passion,
inspired by God’s hand.

Felt in the caress
is a vivid snapshot of time,
another heart’s life captured
in such exquisite clarity,
if held as intended
being unique at least to our eyes
because we paused
from looking for more obvious furnishings
and risked missing the ones
preserved and crafted the Lord’s love.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Grimaced faces speaking about happiness,
gritting teeth growling hallelujah
and clenched fists pounded on closed bibles,
declaring in ominous tones thunderbolts waited to destroy
should you fail to do everything they said,
obey each rule and say you had joy deep down inside,
even if you were utterly miserable.

Oh they explain to my confuse teenaged brain,
God lived in a golden tent,
but could see everything,
only He seemed not notice all stupid and immortal things
that I did and notices others did too when not in church,
at least there was no wrath from heaven,
which rained down and wiped us out.

Somewhere I had this fuzzy notion
forgiveness meant I was actually pardoned,
yet sure didn’t stop the guilt being passed around
come every Sunday service.

Tried to fight the battle of staying awake
during the pastor’s sermons,
was grateful he didn’t ask me what he had said.

Got so befuddled and really had no clue
if there was a savior up there somewhere
who really was sane.

Gave up on the lunacy later,
drifted to places where everyone had solutions to life,
none working in any real way.

Then one day when I figured it was all some joke
the Lord’s spirit visited my heart and soul
teaching me grace and mercy,
never learned in Sunday School.

Now I stumble on my path of faith,
outside those whitewash spiritual morgues
feeling the breath of eternity across my face.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Poignant pledges pregnant in profoundness
sealing heart and hand to play notes of vow’s harp.
Passion’s caressing life with touches writing desires
sincerely engraving commitments as imprint of the soul’s stamp
preserving honor with fingerprints indented on clay of days.

Monday, April 20, 2009


One band to bond the heart unto tomorrow,
days of dreams before a nuptial song in promises,
during the hours it inspires honeymoon visions,
and enduring the nervous seconds spent turning its ring on the finger
wondering if every second spent coping with the anxiety,
can be eased by wearing this cherished token of love.

It is the golden circle completing two lives,
you trust to be a seal of oneness,
which nothing able to end the connection,
clinging to that hope in the long nights
before the wedding ceremony,
while embracing all the glow inside you feel
so it doesn’t cease and remains shiny as the ring.

Betrothed of desires and allowing the image
of the coming day to fill your everything thought,
letting that symbol of vow be tied over life
as a metal ribbon of devotion you never want to cut,
just so intently believing it will keep its magic
until you say the words I do,
then be the encircling spell of happiness that lasts forever

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Hope is a road
stretching from the soul
and into eternity,
a path of faith traveled by steps
upon the foundation of God’s word.

It is to see beyond the landscape
knowing heaven is one’s destination,
even when the journey
leads to a valley,
there is peace in the walk,
because the Lord’s spirit is one’s companion.

To feel His boundless love
breathe across life as a refreshing wind
is to pause and allow the breeze
a chance to remind and strengthen
that in Him all things our possible.

Embracing all the promises He has given
so no vale nor darkness conquers with despair,
ever clinging to the gift of His grace,
which blesses with such calm
when others travel with sadness.

Shod in the shoes of His empowerment,
resting in that oasis of salvation in Jesus Christ,
happily on a sojourn
knowing this world is not our final stop,
but the gift of life He has mercifully prepared,
always rejoicing over its offering
while holding onto the vision
of the day when He welcomes us home.

Granting the heart that special flame
warming during any wintry season
with the cherished assurance
tomorrow’s horizon is in His merciful hands.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


His whiskey soaked eyes, blood shot and blurry,
watched the street light auras glow in hazy amber fire
while swerving down the midnight street,
DUI’s and rehab hadn’t curtailed his nightly bar bouts,
until he passed out and collided with car
driven by mother with her young daughter.

In the hospital, his bruised body was tended to by all the nursing angels,
seeing their white outlines as if heaven sent in the fluorescent lights,
but the one golden silhouette that would haunt him forever in guilt
belonged to that accident cherub that now wore God’s eternal circle of light.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Vacancies in life you just can’t seem to fill. They just create a void in one’s heart that lingers and covers the thoughts with darkness.

They are very hard to avoid. Because so many times the unexpected creates holes in our existence.

I’m one who loves to plan my day. Not that I have every second detailed out, but I do enjoy having certain accomplishments at times.

And you can never tell for sure when some event will totally ruin some given plans. I’m not a big fan of those moments.

Now that doesn’t always end with disaster. There are times it has a good consequence. Something we learn from.

Others it becomes less than a pill we care to swallow. And not doing it can be worse at times than accepting the options.

Because there are times when life just hands lessons to be learned. Doesn’t mean we want them.

Still the Lord does allow them so we can learn. Not always a fun means to learn, but necessary just the same.

What is hard is to always find the way we want to accept such changes that doesn’t cause more problems. Which is something that does other than what end the situation.

Thankfully the Lord is merciful to us. He might let us fall down, but always will help to lift us up.

And if it all is done correctly then we can learn and let those ruts be a source of praise. A chance to be free the need to keep trying cover up our shortcomings.

And under the wonderful power of His grace we can discover a bond that makes the process much more satisfying . One that will truly last.

It is a time of celebration. A time off rejoicing that unlike so many who always make the need to find some way to fill those hollows we will keep trying to fix in some other ways.

For this type of situation we always can find more satisfaction with the Lord than on our own. Providing our ego doesn’t get in the way

And to that end we can always be grateful if we do let ourselves learn from the process. For some never do.

There holes will always be there.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Heaven’s everlasting arms
can stretch though time and life,
the Lord bends down with His grace
and touches the heart with His love.
Even when we fall into a deep and long valley,
God’s hands will not let go,
because they never caress only when we are walking,
not ceasing to care should we stumble along the way.

It is when the morning has a mantle of heaviness
His spirit bearing feathers,
should the sunrise come with wintry trial
a fire He brings to warm our souls.

It doesn’t come with overwhelming,
thunderous announcements,
arriving more like a soft and silent wind,
yet experienced so intently in our spirits,
until you know His embrace that grants such bountiful bliss.

Then the inside rise as a choir’s praise,
joy’s harp plays such moving peace,
during the times
when we are alone and so in need,
as our lives are prepared to truly listen and accept
the incredible cornucopia of blessing
that He pours out in so many unexpected ways.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


When darkness hangs over the soul,
God’s spirit can lift as an eagle’s flight
to see one’s place in the sun,
be lifted on feathers of His love,
soar on the praises for His boundless grace.

By faith one rises on the breath of His voice
as He brings a sunrise of hope to one’s life,
higher and higher ascending towards His light,
feeling so weightless of any stress.

It is an air that doubt will never inhale as joy,
which skeptics can not know,
when peace from Heaven’s throne
shines its everlasting rays upon a believer’s wings.

What in the morn to eyes lacking vision for eternity
is viewed as a mere brilliant splendor
unto orbs who can see a divine source
for the daystar’s burning flame,
they sight becomes the illumination for inspiration,
warming and giving such enduring strength
during times night clings to the heart.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Roots of values spread their cerebral tree
standing against the elements,
stripped of any delusions
leaves of amber theories
scattered over life’s moments.

Upon the shore of choice
where the waves from time
crash against conviction’s grains,
the marrow of faith stays steady and strong,
it might be bent from the gales of questions,
drooping as night comes
to bring the doubt’ cold solitude,
turning inward to feed upon the spiritual sap,
knowing that regardless the weather
no matter how the day unfolds
even if the place one is grounded
becomes hostile and bleak,
one can cling to the soul’s soil
ever aware it was planted by the Lord,
willing remaining
with eyes facing towards Heaven
despite the landscape growing harsh.

What is the trunk we choose as our foundation
will always be the bark
others see in our actions,
but God knows
if when the branches of our desires get trimmed
whether there will still be a witness
regarding what we cared about the most.

Monday, April 13, 2009


A nice sum after the fact. Those words always seem to come after some event that didn’t work out right.

As if we should have know better. Well at least at times it appears that way to me. Not that it is always the case.

But the challenge is that at times we just have to accept we can’t be as perceptive as we would like. It is not the end of the world.

What happens though is we crave those times when we can be in control. And always seem to want to appear like some kind of prophet.

There is just some special appeal to having the appearance of always being wise. To know things in advance.

Haven’t found that to be the case. Most of the time the best we manage it to guess. And that seldom is accurate.

I was involved with this one person that took this to extreme. Whatever happen the person acted like it was known before hand.

Course the reality was totally different. The person turned out to be wrong most of the time.

I got to where I really felt like cringing after a while from all the predictions and then denial when it they were wrong. Sadly the person never changed.

What did happen is the individual ended up fading in activity when the truth came out. Just more lost interest listening.

As for myself, well I did let myself get caught up in the nonsense for a while. It was a mistake and I am not ashamed to admit I was wrong.

I am grateful the Lord is merciful. In a way it did prepare me for a challenge I am currently facing.

I have no idea how it will work out. But I am more than happy to leave it in the Lord’s hands.

That is the part that remains at peace in me. The reality that He is in control. Come what may that I celebrate.

And will as long as He gives me the strength. As for that other person, well I imagine the individual is still predicting.

Just finding a new audience.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scales Of Light

Some measure life by a yardstick
inherited from their forebears,
inches faded and slightly bent,
but it worked for one’s ancestors
so it will still be true.

Others prefer to see what
can’t been defined in just inches,
using a candle to discover
all the facets of any form,
the rays expose what was hidden
in the crevices
until its real worth is revealed.

It is the balance that shines
without a lecture or rules,
evident to both the lamp holder
and the one who is bathed in the glow.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


In the silence of our lips
the psalm of the soul sings so soothingly and serene,
bringing forth the serenade
of light and love divinely composed,
to hear the voice of life displayed
before our spiritual ears,
discarding the cymbals of pride,
so the world can weeps its tears
and we are touched by their notes drops on our thoughts.

Be able to finally calm the chaos
so preoccupied with our own symphony
and hear for the first time
all the beautiful chorus that heaven writes,
suddenly entranced by the sweet hush in self,
listening more intently and clearly
where we didn’t notice
how many musical instruments
that the Lord truly created.

Let the mind truly discover
what majesty is in the melody
He has written for us to cherish,
strolling in simple awe through the nature’s operettas,
as the orchestra plays a harmony intently felt,
inspiring a peace never truly known,
because for once
we choose to embrace a rhapsody
other than our own voice.

Friday, April 10, 2009


The heart is a soil
that grows by whatever is planted,
weeds or roses rise as watered
by love or hate.

Each layer of earthen landscape
strolled on the path of life
reminds as Nature’s metaphor
how we are apart of its fertile furrows,
its voice singing in our souls,
a soft suggestive serenade,
until we feel the melody
inspire our own special song.

Scenic notes soothe in serenity
writing their notes inside,
where those who cradle our fragile flowers
in the palms of their caring hands
till the ground within
so we can bond our spirits
to a spring for our minds,
a season for potential’s blossoms.

Learning the lessons
from watching Mother Earth’s examples.
When both land and body are in harmony
our days are balanced with respect
for creation’s gifts
and the beauty of what is our seedbed
among its many expressions.

Walking where what teems in vitality,
yet never feel the energy
is to yet know the lush reality
of all that we can be.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Aloft upon a kite’s lifting dream
though feet are shod in cement,
the heart soars by love’s helium,
weightless on tranquility’s wisp of whim.

Fancy is the balloon expanding in the mind,
a swelling serenity sweeping through the soul,
when allowing the morn to breath an airy gift,
those gentle whispers from hope’s breath,
inhaled and so incredibly intoxicating,
until heaven stretches inside with peaceful gusts
arising as an eagle gliding above the wasteland,
not allowing the swamps and cesspools
to write their dark melodies within.

Above is the precious gossamer plateau
touch in the soothing grace of calming flow,
silence softly cushions the journey
from one’s mental earth to a billowy plain,
cares falling away like a slow steady rain.

Happily surrendered to the cerebral cerulean sea
so far away from any hint of misery.
Vagabond spirit learns to willingly ride a zephyr wind
beyond the wilderness of worry’s thickets.
Enjoying elation’s vaporous brush
comb the moment in purest feel
and savoring the pause in night’s haunting questions
for a floating dance in featherweight skies.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


The music of the lips
resounds in the mind,
it echoes its truths and deceptions
becoming a mask or seal over the heart.

For some this is a psalm,
so sacred and sanctified,
ever aware the words are heard by Heaven’s ears,
driven by the simple joy of harmony
between mouth and hands,
not worried what human eyes are around as witness
because every promise spoken is viewed as a holy land.

It is the willingness to obey the balance
rising from the conscience
that only finds peace in obedience
even when there is a price for such a choice.

Some walk in the shadows over their thoughts
darkness is their joy
since it hides their deepest desires,
only willing to act when it is for show.

But the person who resides
with a sense of Divine presence,
always races life’s marathon the same,
though at times totally alone
never halting from being faithful in every stride
for the finish line always is reached in the head
long before the last step is taken.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Immersed in stillness
silence bathes in solitude’s pool,
mind gazes at world’s dreamt,
imagining touching planets
possessing possibilities never reached.

In the shelter of inner coves
no seas nor isles can allure
to sail beyond that calm waters
for a trip where the heart
can be the explorer.

Daring to ride a Tsunami to kiss the sand
that might give life
more that the comfort of quietness.

It so easy to be a sailor
when traveling only in your head,
envision what might be
instead of drift towards distant shoals
and hear mermaids you never met.

Once swimming passed the portal of fears,
what becomes the course plotted
has countless sights yet to see,
expanding the universe within
with its voyage of discovery.

Noticing shark fins where none exists
is another tale one writes
to stay where nothing can risk
causing sea sickness for the spirit.

Monday, April 06, 2009


Strings of streetlamp gems glowing in the ebbing light
silently pointing towards the glass citadels of fiery squares.
Yielding the fading sun unto a crystal fire of spellbound night,
guiding the heart to dance among the shine in towering flares.
Gently the soul surrenders unto a serenity and calming flight,
yearning swells to caress the magic of electrified steps in airy stairs.

Amid the lure from the illumined necklace of twilight’s pearls,
day quietly slips between the sheets of memory’s vivid tome.
Yesteryear’s song of innocence recalls enchantment’s swirls,
slowly swelling that soothing shelter under nostalgia’s dome.
Youth’s spirit awakens the fluttering elation from naiveté’s twirls,
sanguine seductions embrace the eve’s auras as an inviting home.

In the dimming luster of sunset’s evaporating rays in fleeting charms,
nocturnal neon diamonds wrap the spirit with a conjurer’s arms.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


The mind’s rope can sure get frayed so easy. Doesn’t take much to accomplish it. Just a matter of time and all the problems it presents.

Stress it that part of life that really does eat at us. It doesn’t matter what we do or think it is there.

Now the hard part is finding a way to stay calm. Would be very nice if we could handle this without any problems.

Only thing is that never happens when we want it. So instead we get trapped in the process of wondering.

And then it gets extra tough when it comes when it causes the biggest problems. This is so easy to occur.

Because then we find out what is important. And often this is not what we think it should be.

I don’t think it is the fact the problem comes up. It is all the time it takes to fix the crisis. Sometimes this can be hours.

Now the challenge can be to try and make sure you don’t go crazy in the process. The fact is so often life just has these problems.

We want explanations. We want the answers to why this happens. And often there are no answers.

Now the challenge is to still appreciate that God does not ignore us. Some get so crazy on that issue.

They will expect every little detail to have a purpose. They will look for something spiritual in all things.

Try to find a profound meaning to everything. But at times it just is part of life. If something breaks down is just happens.

Oh there can be those times it is from the Lord, but a lot are just the way things take place. So that happens.

Just wish they didn’t always happen where you end up spending hours having to fix the situation. I hate to think the hours I’ve spent on stuff.

And naturally there is no way this will happen at time when it is convenient. I just try to exhale and then remember it isn’t life.

Sometimes it even works.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Was of the sacred instructions,
that admonish to the parents of mankind
to replenish this mortal coil,
but it was more than bringing new souls
into the world’s valleys.

For by faith they drank of the Holy Spirit’s fount,
His moisture refreshing and giving energy
unto all creation.

And in the midst was the root of being,
a tree of humanity meant to thrive
by trusting in the Lord,
whereby we all sip on heaven’s purest waters,
able to love, to care and swim the stream of His will.

Drying and withered
is how that ancient spreading oak of our true essence
became when minds started looking at their shadows
as casting glory,
rather than towards the sky
where a divine sun provides us existence.

Forgetting how the storms He gives
are the source for what blesses,
ignoring the rain from immortal eyes,
shed in grieve when doubts about the eternal
are distilled as a carnal soda pop.

Inside where that trunk truly sprouts,
how it shrivels from neglect and often dies,
while man chases towards thickets
he thinks can be controlled
ever being parched within,
trying to drown the aridness
with a thirst for gold.

Friday, April 03, 2009


There are those edges in life, which can really strain you mind. And that is when you have to wait.

And if by chance the wait is related to some kind of crisis it will always be worse. I’ve never been the kind to have lots of patience.

However it is amazing that I am faced currently with a very serious situation and the Lord has mercifully given me a peace on the subject. This is such a blessing.

I am not sure why He choose to be grace me so in this situation, but I am very grateful. With all the delays and extra time added it has made it pass with calm.

Now the joy though for me is in having some sense of tranquility over the outcome. I’m not upset with the possible consequences.

Even though I can’t do anything to change the outcome at this point I am not spending my time fretting it either. I can appreciate how often that is so easy.

Come what may in the future even though it might not be the outcome I would hope I am still in that place of quiet. For that I will always be thankful.

Perhaps in part it is because I have been given time to reflect. To gaze with new appreciation at what was.

See the future in a different understanding and think in terms of other priorities. And in the process cope with how life will change.

Because that is one fact I do understand. Tomorrow will never be more of the same. Not necessarily in a way that will be desirable, but different.

Still that doesn’t make me unhappy. For I do appreciate life never has any guarantees. I might have expected things to remain the same longer, but I know that isn’t going to be the case.

So now it is a matter of change. To adjust my thoughts and ideas so they will focused on reality.

Not the hype some use, but based on facts. And that makes it more important than the way some live in denial.

I would rather trust to God and let His will be my future than choose to only want my own way. For that never is profitable.

And for that there is a special joy. Not because it changes things, but because I didn’t forget the Lord in the process.

Thursday, April 02, 2009



Nothing more satisfying in ways that when you can locate something you thought was never going to be found. And that mixture of joy and relief is such a blessing.

Sometimes there is the discovery that comes when you don’t find what you lost. You find out you didn’t need.

What is found it the truth. How you were able to function without what you thought was so necessary just doesn’t matter.

What does matter is how often we find out there is more to life than we imagined. That some things are a blessing you can’t find in other ways.

However if you are too busy complaining then it won’t happen. The Lord knows our hearts.

And the real joy is in the learning if you are truly willing to do that. It can be hard at times.

So we move on and hopefully find out in due season the real harvest we need. The one that counts with the Lord.

What the tragedy it is when somebody has the need to ignore what is important. They just keep wanting things on their terms.

Which never results in blessings. It will simply erode one’s perceptions. And that is never a good option.

What this should be is a time when we truly turn to the Lord for strength. It is the time when we should discover His truth.

But I the mind is trapped on me first it won’t happen. If we are constantly only seeking out way then we will miss out too.

Which is all of other than part of what leads to spiritual maturity. We can mature in age and still be an infant in our souls.

I am grateful that the Lord’s grace does cover us in such situations. And you can be sure that is a blessing too.

Providing we are willing to see it that way. Some will not be prepared to do that. They will merely find any such times a reason to be unhappy.

In faith we move ahead. We look for the joy that can truly give us balance. And that is when we test our hearts.
Hopefully to our welfare.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


It is interesting to listen to people define what is the wealth in their lives. Some it isn’t about money.

It can be so many other things. And some will even be reasonable. But what when they are not realistic?

That is the part that truly is important. For it can be the issue of something desired. A request that one can’t truly achieve.

And that is the part, which can truly be an issue resulting in stumbling. Because they problem can be we can be greedy over dreams

This is the sad part. Because dreams are important. They are part of what helps to give life hope.

However if one makes them other than something with any basis in possibilities. Now there are the times when this doesn’t matter.

When you have those times you are merely day dreaming it is one thing. That is just escapism.

And there are those occasions when it is something that is just a fantasy. You don’t expect what is imagine to take place.

Still there are those dreams we see as goals. The future we expect to happen. And that is a vision we cling to.

But like so many things the issue becomes whether it is something the Lord inspired. And is it really beneficial.

There is a line between those desire in our head that are helpful and the ones that are mere distractions. Sometimes it is hard to keep them straight.

This is where we need the power of the Holy Spirit to truly keeps the message clear. It is so easy to confuse them.

And it doesn’t have to even be spiritual. It can be a whole host of other elements. But with the Lord it will have truth.

And that is a challenge. Because the truth isn’t always going to conform to our desires. Regardless of how we try to spin it.

It can be so frustrating. And that is when our ego collides with the Lord’s will. Which for some can last a life time.

This being a from of poverty.