A nice sum after the fact. Those words always seem to come after some event that didn’t work out right.
As if we should have know better. Well at least at times it appears that way to me. Not that it is always the case.
But the challenge is that at times we just have to accept we can’t be as perceptive as we would like. It is not the end of the world.
What happens though is we crave those times when we can be in control. And always seem to want to appear like some kind of prophet.
There is just some special appeal to having the appearance of always being wise. To know things in advance.
Haven’t found that to be the case. Most of the time the best we manage it to guess. And that seldom is accurate.
I was involved with this one person that took this to extreme. Whatever happen the person acted like it was known before hand.
Course the reality was totally different. The person turned out to be wrong most of the time.
I got to where I really felt like cringing after a while from all the predictions and then denial when it they were wrong. Sadly the person never changed.
What did happen is the individual ended up fading in activity when the truth came out. Just more lost interest listening.
As for myself, well I did let myself get caught up in the nonsense for a while. It was a mistake and I am not ashamed to admit I was wrong.
I am grateful the Lord is merciful. In a way it did prepare me for a challenge I am currently facing.
I have no idea how it will work out. But I am more than happy to leave it in the Lord’s hands.
That is the part that remains at peace in me. The reality that He is in control. Come what may that I celebrate.
And will as long as He gives me the strength. As for that other person, well I imagine the individual is still predicting.
Just finding a new audience.
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