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Wednesday, April 01, 2009


It is interesting to listen to people define what is the wealth in their lives. Some it isn’t about money.

It can be so many other things. And some will even be reasonable. But what when they are not realistic?

That is the part that truly is important. For it can be the issue of something desired. A request that one can’t truly achieve.

And that is the part, which can truly be an issue resulting in stumbling. Because they problem can be we can be greedy over dreams

This is the sad part. Because dreams are important. They are part of what helps to give life hope.

However if one makes them other than something with any basis in possibilities. Now there are the times when this doesn’t matter.

When you have those times you are merely day dreaming it is one thing. That is just escapism.

And there are those occasions when it is something that is just a fantasy. You don’t expect what is imagine to take place.

Still there are those dreams we see as goals. The future we expect to happen. And that is a vision we cling to.

But like so many things the issue becomes whether it is something the Lord inspired. And is it really beneficial.

There is a line between those desire in our head that are helpful and the ones that are mere distractions. Sometimes it is hard to keep them straight.

This is where we need the power of the Holy Spirit to truly keeps the message clear. It is so easy to confuse them.

And it doesn’t have to even be spiritual. It can be a whole host of other elements. But with the Lord it will have truth.

And that is a challenge. Because the truth isn’t always going to conform to our desires. Regardless of how we try to spin it.

It can be so frustrating. And that is when our ego collides with the Lord’s will. Which for some can last a life time.

This being a from of poverty.


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