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Friday, April 03, 2009


There are those edges in life, which can really strain you mind. And that is when you have to wait.

And if by chance the wait is related to some kind of crisis it will always be worse. I’ve never been the kind to have lots of patience.

However it is amazing that I am faced currently with a very serious situation and the Lord has mercifully given me a peace on the subject. This is such a blessing.

I am not sure why He choose to be grace me so in this situation, but I am very grateful. With all the delays and extra time added it has made it pass with calm.

Now the joy though for me is in having some sense of tranquility over the outcome. I’m not upset with the possible consequences.

Even though I can’t do anything to change the outcome at this point I am not spending my time fretting it either. I can appreciate how often that is so easy.

Come what may in the future even though it might not be the outcome I would hope I am still in that place of quiet. For that I will always be thankful.

Perhaps in part it is because I have been given time to reflect. To gaze with new appreciation at what was.

See the future in a different understanding and think in terms of other priorities. And in the process cope with how life will change.

Because that is one fact I do understand. Tomorrow will never be more of the same. Not necessarily in a way that will be desirable, but different.

Still that doesn’t make me unhappy. For I do appreciate life never has any guarantees. I might have expected things to remain the same longer, but I know that isn’t going to be the case.

So now it is a matter of change. To adjust my thoughts and ideas so they will focused on reality.

Not the hype some use, but based on facts. And that makes it more important than the way some live in denial.

I would rather trust to God and let His will be my future than choose to only want my own way. For that never is profitable.

And for that there is a special joy. Not because it changes things, but because I didn’t forget the Lord in the process.


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