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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: I Want My Innocence Back

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Want My Innocence Back

I want to close my eyes
let the world slip away,
all the lies and thorns die,
until my heart can feel
only the touch I once knew
from angels and fairies,
before they sky turned hostile,
land was stalked by villains
and faces flared in fiery flaws.

Take me back to the place
where I could still believe
in myths and magic,
didn’t depend upon the news
to paint life with an icy brush,
stroke over the glitter,
while leaving only trash.

Because when ignorance was my castle,
my insides felt the sun give life,
the day spread before me with its marvels,
oh sweet bliss I knew in my virgin eyes,
what enchantment dwelled in every night.

Now I sit with aged view,
wisdom coming with pain,
knowing what I couldn’t imagine,
but at the price of my youth’s embrace
of imagining there was nothing impossible,
waiting on the morning
expecting it to bring miracles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now,

This poem hit home for me and I am sure for so many others...thank you, if only you knew how much you can touch people...maybe you do

I too
long for the days of innocence, when my imagination carved out the beauty of my dreams
and made them a reality for the frozen time that I longed for the most..yet again

in a world gone astray..where love is far to reach and kindness seems impossible from strangers or anyone

where passing strangers meant a smile, an acknowledgement, if only in a wave

where God was real, people were more kind

and electronics didn't consume the senses
mock them, interrogate and confuse

when I was so much younger, a vision came to me of myself in Victorian clothing..never fully grasping it's significance until years later

I lonf for those times again and they will not return for me in this life needed to live again and again...

my choice to give in, accept or deny
until it is done right...whatever this may mean to the Gods

I did it wrong..yet again
comes but daily in the search of the lost

may our spirits find peace
and heal, so we may learn how to truly heal others

and ourselves

bless you


5:02 PM  

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