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Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Immersed in stillness
silence bathes in solitude’s pool,
mind gazes at world’s dreamt,
imagining touching planets
possessing possibilities never reached.

In the shelter of inner coves
no seas nor isles can allure
to sail beyond that calm waters
for a trip where the heart
can be the explorer.

Daring to ride a Tsunami to kiss the sand
that might give life
more that the comfort of quietness.

It so easy to be a sailor
when traveling only in your head,
envision what might be
instead of drift towards distant shoals
and hear mermaids you never met.

Once swimming passed the portal of fears,
what becomes the course plotted
has countless sights yet to see,
expanding the universe within
with its voyage of discovery.

Noticing shark fins where none exists
is another tale one writes
to stay where nothing can risk
causing sea sickness for the spirit.


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