Can devotion truly flame without any passion to fuel it's energy? I've seen the times when faith becomes a habit. One goes and performs and form of worship, but it is just going through the motions. There is no fire in the eyes and the smile worn is just a mask. Often it isn't even convincing.
In the scriptures we are caution against things like saying prayers that are repetitive, but not really said with any emotion or desire. It becomes a chore without substance and like too many aspect to one's relationship with the Lord, if it lacks any true intimacy it simply doesn't truly bring honor to God.
It is so easy to fall into the snare of ritual without intent. To go to church on Sunday because you feel you have to, but the whole time one's heart and soul are elsewhere, dreaming of something fun you would really rather be doing.
Do we really think that God doesn't know our heart in that regard? That somehow the Lord will say unto us in due season, "Well done good and faithful servant," if all we did was out of habit and not genuine love or faith?
It is an honest question to ask, but not necessarily one that people will really ask. I'm not suggestion that there is no merit to going to church, but I am saying that being human all of us can have valleys of boredom, which we must travail. Pretending otherwise won't change our reason or feelings.
But how many people are truly so secure in their faith that they would be comfortable following God's leading if it didn't include spending every Sunday at church? And then what also happens is when the heart grows weary enough, we enter into the barter system.
That is where we sit down and rationalized some excuse to stop going to church. Then later as the time passes and we discover lightning will not strike us dead for our absence, the excuses come so much easier.
Why is simple. It is because deep down we really had avoided the obvious need for a change of routine. We suppressed it a false sense of devotion. And when exhausted enough we surrender to that need, finding reason to justify our sense of guilt.
However, none of that in any way truly makes a difference in terms of our faith. Oh plenty of preachers will make it a sermonized whip to beat you into submission. They wouldn't have to do that if honesty were the message more than legalism.
Some can rejoice at listening to the Lord. They will be filled with his dream. On some occasions it means being in church. On others not. However, when the spirit truly has a vision from the Lord, the whole earth is his tabernacle and not just a place with walls. Rejoice if you have discovered that gift. For it is a blessing seldom taught from any pulpit.