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Thursday, July 13, 2006


Ever feel like you were on a journey taking place in a tunnel? It is that sense of being confined and forced to move in a certain direction without any assurance of when you will reach the end. And when the moment comes that can see the end, which is from the light at the opening, you start to relax. It might still be a while before the light seen results in the end of your journey, but you do feel a sense of relief just the same.

Not being someone with much patience or tolerance for pain, the one thing I hate is waiting. Uncertainty is not my favorite past time.

Unfortunately for me too many events in my life translate into some form of waiting. Some of them I can handle easier than others. But I have come to appreciate how often when it involves a spiritual test of my faith, it has a higher purpose than just to bring stress into my life.

Perhaps the biggest problem is the times when God uses someone as a catalyst in terms of a tunnel I have to go through who has not clue of the spiritual relevance. It is amazing how many people who regard themselves as Christians who are clueless when it comes to spiritual truths.

Some can quote all kinds of scripture from memory, but don't have any insight whatsoever. I can't count the number of times I've dealt with believers that couldn't grasp the significance of how a certain act or deed really is working contrary to God's purposes.

I don't regard myself as special in that regard or unique, but I have learned to watch for those tunnels God seeks to use for our own benefit. It is just too bad there are so many who never make the connection.

They just can't rise above a certain level of thought. Things have to be completely defined and easy to understand or the reality and spiritual truth eludes.

What is said is that sometimes God uses a tunnel experience to test other people. Sadly too often the fail the test. Not necessarily because they are rebellious, but because they just can't allow themselves to understand why a person must follow a given path.

Perhaps if life were more defined then we would be less troubled by those moments when a given journey must include the time of moving in a direction where there is no detours. And if we try to avoid the direction it only ends up causing more headaches.

There is no map to always give direction. There are plenty who will be glad to offer up their opinion, but it doesn't always mean they speak for God.

It is hard to say how often any one person will find himself entering another tunnel of life. I do know there is always more tunnels to face. We can either do so with God's help or try to look for a way to escape the tunnel on our own. Faith is the choice that guides us on the journey.


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