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Tuesday, July 18, 2006


What speaks louder, what we say or what we do? It might seem like something with an obvious answer, but sometimes I do wonder.

I say this because of my dealing with those who somehow think saying the right spiritual phrases and yet stabbing people in the heart with their hate is a good testimony. It is as if they have no conscience. You are just suppose to think they are a good person because they go to church no matter how abusive, selfish and unloving they act.

One my brother's in Christ has been so frustrated with this type of dichotomy between what people say and what they do that he cringes anytime he has to deal with someone who claims to be a "good" Christian. It is like they are wearing a sign saying, "Hey, I'm a believer so I'm okay. Never mind that I plan on stealing you blind and lying about it, I still a good person because I go to church."

That kind of thinking to me is the foundation of what allows some to go to church on Sunday and then feel very comfortable abusing their fellow man on Monday. Never mind that Jesus spoke of the second greatest commandment being love thy neighbor as thyself. It sort of gets lost between the time in the pew and when one is counting his or her pocket book.

Sadly, such a testimony is the one too many see too often when they encounter what gets put on display as Christianity. That hardly brings any real honor to the Lord.

I'm not claiming to be perfect myself. But then neither do I try to shove my faith of every person I meet to try and suggest that I'm a good person.

Somewhere in that contrive maze of thought and religiosity where the spirit gets trapped in a fun house of traditions and rituals, sanity and the light of true give way to shadows. Ironically, perhaps instead of being testimony to truth and the Lord, one becomes his adversary, casting shadows of doubt upon the merits of what is of the Lord.

And being in darkness that is the result of being a prisoner instead of truly free in Christ, the person has their blindfold of self-righteousness on so tight that it is impossible to ever remove it. After a while one becomes so comfortable wearing it that you don't even give a lot of thought to the inner witness from the Holy Spirit that says such behavior isn't truly honoring the Lord.

It is a game in reality. Only it isn't the type of game that people apparently enjoy. Nor am I sure they see if for the testimony of hypocrisy that too many other notice.

As for who ends up the winner that would be difficult to say. After all, you can't really keep score in such an event, when the scoreboard and score card are kept by the recording angel in eternity. I have a feeling that too many will find out too late that they didn't win at all. But then in eternity losing at the game of faith and salvation is one thing I doubt will be a reason to boast.


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