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Saturday, July 29, 2006


The violins of heartstrings so rich in tones of sobs play their melody upon the battlefield of life's many wrongs. How often it is a song heard by only a single pair of ears. Because we are often so busy listening to our own voice to notice the notes that are a stereo of lament.

Compassion is a choice in life. One I think God desires from us. But it's meaning gets so muddle in the fog of tradition and self-preservation. We are dressed for a party of show, where no were truly to go. A dream in the mirror who can't truly hear, what screams so loudly in a distant wounded voice.

We battle the urges of pride. Scarred, alone, defiant of reason. In love with the scale of our own opinion, but asleep the conscious of need at times.

The spirit has its own hearing. One that God awakens in victory of faith. Perhaps a single hand is enough to make a perfect caring sound. Oh maybe it is just a call we accept because the heart can't become deaf enough to heaven's whispers.

Passed the chaste walkway of restraint where crowns are made from our illusions, there is another path. One where the Lord helps us to know the harmony of sorrow to suffering. To know the times when the two must be entwined.

Among the ruins of our dusted plots, we hear the crumbling of self edifices. We know the decay and stubble of houses built in vain.

Why is the question hiding in the shadows. It haunts and stalks with a guilt vengeance if we but notice its presence.

Will we grow the wings to help lift another from the depths of sorrows song? Or will it wait till we do must sing its tune?

Laughter is better from the victory over wrong than rejoice from me first goals. Only who can share the joy of redemption laced with knowing how many others still await a dawn to their own misery? It is to see in the light of true provision when we are truly blessed. To be humbled by the special gift of grace and not arrogant from the presumption of reward.

Then we can walk and know sorrow's song whether played in our heart or another's. It is a quite rambling of reflection hopefully bringing a thought to help us better appreciate the music.

Some will always find it a beautiful refrain played in the consuming mystery of our affliction. Others will simply hurry away, deaf of soul and mind. Their hearts beat with a pulse of worse attendance. For they know not how sorrow's song truly is heard by the Lord. Will we find the joy of listening when others ignore the notes? Only each life can tell that tale.


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