Hocus pocus
a curl and swirl
from truth
to pardonable sins.
Let us
the mask
with its
For kings and heroes
are both created
inside our mind.
And with enough
word magic
they even
nearly divine.
Hocus pocus
There are journeys of faith that reach a known or given horizon. When you reach that point where what you are trusting God for becomes fulfilled you know that trip has ended. Where it ends with a happy ending or heart ache you still know when it is over.
Drift along the shore of happy where the roses of our hopes and dreams thrive. Reach and touch the stars that are nestled in the spirit. Create a galaxy among the pillars of what is known. Then sit back and ignore the bleeding from the thorns of emotional egress that clipped one’s wings of fantasy because one cut by the scissors of criticism.
Not all strength is a blessing, not all weakness is a curse. And no matter how we are seen by the world, what God sees will prevail in eternity.
By the light of the moon
Nostalgia rips most at me during those times of utter regret. Those are the moments when you reach the mid point of some valley and look back and wonder why the trip was necessary in the first place.
I think over the last few years I’ve learned to appreciate fruit a lot more than I ever did in the past. Finding out I was a diabetic made me change my priorities in terms of eating. One of those changes was to switch from candy and other forms of processed sugar to fruit.
The true covering
I wish there was a way to avoid these situations in life, but no matter who we are life will always have some kind of challenge. I have a feeling it doesn’t take most of us very long to figure that part out. Nor does it take long to find out that life isn’t necessarily a system where rewards and punishment are based up you getting what you deserve.
There is the rest for the body and then there is the rest for the soul. What resting for the soul is to me is the time we let it breath with a wind of spiritual refreshment. It is to relax the thoughts and essence from all the distractions and let the soul truly be the focus point of a given moment.
The scriptures make reference to praying without ceasing. It is very intimate idea in terms of one’s relationship with the Lord, but I doubt any of us would be able to nothing, but pray constantly.
Life’s unexpected renewal
This morning I had gotten up and was leaving my apartment on the way to the gym when I noticed the pole that held the apartment complex’s American Flag was lying on the ground as was the flag. I noticed that there was also a smash flower pot nearby so I accepted the fact that someone had intentionally uprooted the pole and vandalized the pot.
A quest
There is divine in the sense of that which represents God and then the type of divine that is “heavenly” in terms of our frame of reference. Although we probably might agree for example that food ISN’T suppose to be something that we worship or treat as fantastic (I’m saying in terms that we aren’t SUPPOSE to think that way, but generally do) it is interesting to me that there is one form of fudge called “Divinity.” Somebody obviously was thinking beyond it being just a food when it got its name. Which for me doesn’t even matter these days since being a diabetic I can’t eat candy anyway. So it would hardly be divine to me.
Probably for most bible students this word stirs certain apocalyptic or prophetic images. And while that is a very debated area of biblical studies it isn’t the type of rapture I was thinking about for this posting.
Probably for many believers the most familiar use of this word might be from the story about the fall of Adam and Eve and how the serpent “beguiled” them. It’s meaning is in such situations one of being deceived. But on a greater level it is more than simply coming to a false conclusion, it is to allow such misunderstandings to affect one’s actions.
Life is full of moments intended to help us learn. Whether we accept such experiences as lessons is dependent, I think, upon our attitude.
In the movies sometimes change seems to come so natural and easy. And the characters so often appear totally adjusted to such transitions. I’m generalizing I realize for there are movies that do a good job of depicting the trauma of becoming.
The light of morning comes within the physical realm of thought like clockwork. So many times though it isn’t a harbinger of a given day’s events. Shadows can stalk from unexpected sources. Too many at times.
Dream stoppers plans
For some reason whenever I think in terms of expectations for tomorrow my mind gravitates to one particular bible story. It was the one where Jesus spoke of the man who tore down his barns and then built bigger ones. After words he sat back and decide the rest of life would be easy. That tomorrow was going to be great since he had carefully planned out his future.
To see with the soul’s eyes is to know a horizon many never understand. It is to look passed the dazzle and frazzle of lies and sighs and towards the foundations of self. Only God can empower such vision. And it is amazing how often it eludes people, even those who claim to be followers of Christ.
The past never really dies in our memories. Sometimes the memories we wish would be forgotten seem to be the one’s we can honestly stop thinking about. They become like echoes that haunt us when some current experience reminds us of a past pain.
Rubble of sane,
How difficult it can be at times to cope with the issue of having confidence without allow it to turn into arrogance. That might not be so much trouble if we weren’t human, but because we are it does leave one vulnerable to allowing the good of confidence to be corrupted by sin.
This is one of those statements I often hear as a comment of relief when seeing somebody else’s suffering. It is a confession of gratitude and praise for being remind how fragile life truly can be.
In the quietness
Some people use their pride as a shield. Which is not always a bad thing. But there is a lot to be learn at times from accepting when we have areas of our life in need of improvement. Those that say things like “I don’t make mistakes” often risk missing out on such gems.