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Sunday, April 16, 2006


There is divine in the sense of that which represents God and then the type of divine that is “heavenly” in terms of our frame of reference. Although we probably might agree for example that food ISN’T suppose to be something that we worship or treat as fantastic (I’m saying in terms that we aren’t SUPPOSE to think that way, but generally do) it is interesting to me that there is one form of fudge called “Divinity.” Somebody obviously was thinking beyond it being just a food when it got its name. Which for me doesn’t even matter these days since being a diabetic I can’t eat candy anyway. So it would hardly be divine to me.

I was more drawn I think in this posting to the concept of what really constitutes “divine” in terms of our joys and what we regard as “heavenly?” Is it wrong to honestly feel euphoria over earthly pleasures? Can one truly be “spiritual” and at the same time have some obsession for this life?

The answer to that question completely depends upon whom you are asking. And to be honest I think in some cases the person will say it is okay just so they can justify some obsession or addiction.

I think the Apostle Paul gave some wonderful advice when he said, “all things are lawful.” However if one just took that comment as license and didn’t balance it with the other part “but not all things are profitable” then it would be other than balanced or true.

I have a hard time thinking God truly gave us emotions and desires and didn’t want us to satisfy them. But there are ways that enhance and edify and others that cripple and paralyze. That is a maze of motives too many of us easily walk into singing God’s praises to keep from dealing with the guilt of our selfishness.

I can’t forget the countless times in my life when I was involved in some church activity that was a lukewarm attempt to placate some passion or desire. You had entertainment for example, but it had to be “clean.” Meaning nothing erotic or the least bit sensuous.

Did it really satisfy? Was it in any way capable of producing that state of feeling in a way we would call divine? Not really.

I think God implants in us what the scriptures call our “hearts desires.” But we are encouraged to seek the kingdom of Heaven first and he will grant us our hearts desires. I believe that by seeking the kingdom of Heaven first we come to also see his revealing light. That will among other things shine upon our soul and open our eyes to what is truly our hearts desires and not what our brain thinks it is.

How many people miss that fact I can’t say. I do know that what becomes that sense of divine is never as natural or complete without God’s light shining into the darkness of our misunderstanding. Light a match of faith and watch it glow and with it will come the truth and all we really need to know!


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