This morning I had gotten up and was leaving my apartment on the way to the gym when I noticed the pole that held the apartment complex’s American Flag was lying on the ground as was the flag. I noticed that there was also a smash flower pot nearby so I accepted the fact that someone had intentionally uprooted the pole and vandalized the pot.
Why, of course, I have no idea. But I do feel sad that some people apparently find it necessary to cause harm in such ways. It was hard to understand the state of mind or thinking that felt it was a good thing to show such disrespect to the American Flag.
I know it happens, but it doesn’t mean it gives me any pride to see how someone enjoying the fruits of freedom paid for with the blood of others that have no gratitude whatsoever for such sacrifices. My goal is not to wave the flag or make this about patriotism. Merely to reflect on the sadness of ever declining sense of values that seems to be a growing part of lives.
On a spiritual level I doubt that people prone to such despicable behavior are capable of grasping the reality of how the Lord views such behaviors. Such actions to me run to the core of one’s soul. They have a broader meaning in terms of expressing a deeper spirit of rebellion that is the fire resulting in such behavior.
Do I feel that this will improve in time? Only after the Lord comes. In the scriptures we are told that one of the signs of the end times will be that men’s “love” will grow cold. As values give way to indifference, as love is replaced by hate, as all that is sacred and worth caring no longer has life, but dies from a simple lack of passion in the soul, what we call and see as existence will face continue changes.
I doubt the person guilty for this incident will ever be found. Life is full of instances of the guilty escaping justice. However I also know that the Lord will always see such actions. And that such people truly live in a hell of their own creation.
I am comforted by the awareness that there is still love in the world. That not everyone is so inclined to act in such ways.
For me life will never be living if I die to what I know God thinks is important. I can’t say I can always obey his standards. However as long as I know the difference I can rejoice.
I also live for the wondrous time when the eternal and lasting will replace the chase for self. Then we who listened to the Lord’s spirit with our hearts shall join him with our souls.
In the meantime, we grief when live must be endured while evil finds a home and visits instead of dies. May as many as will listen celebrate that precious hope that Jesus will bring when he will make sure that nothing hidden won’t be revealed.
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