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Monday, April 10, 2006


The light of morning comes within the physical realm of thought like clockwork. So many times though it isn’t a harbinger of a given day’s events. Shadows can stalk from unexpected sources. Too many at times.

For the person who only sees with their eyes, they may miss out on the deeper significant of such events. A tragedy or crisis may only end up being viewed as just a crisis.

In the journey of faith confront such curtains in life can be an opportunity to experience the “after” dawn of enlightenment. It can lead to insights and understanding about life and god that we might not otherwise have understood.

Being guided by God’s spirit to always find that dawn is something that is easy to miss. We get so rushed in life and preoccupied with the routine and demands of a day to not notice when such light is being used of God to teach.

This perhaps is one form of dawn that is most often associated on a spiritual level with those who are called as Pastors or Teachers. It is part of their office to point to such dawns as a form of inspiration.

At least in part such dawns of new sight should bring inspiration. To gaze on what we looked at a hundred times and then for whatever reason we see it with new clarity is a blessing.

The one problem is that it doesn’t mean we always understand how another before us may have seen such dawns. They are very personal to us and that makes them special. However it doesn’t me they are only for us.

There are times when I encounter someone as a new believer who becomes excited of discovering some truth that others have know for ages. In their zeal they often want to tell others and that is understandable.

It is too bad though that instead of lecturing the person can ask. To question is to respect the opinion of others. To listen far more enhancing than just trying to preach.

But sadly the problem is one of being human. We become so dazzled by the brilliance of the new dawn that we just can’t help pointing it out to others.

So perhaps with time and thought we can learn to stop and ask God first when discovering such new dawns. To seek his wisdom in what to do with this light we see for the first time.

In the process we may even find a form of blessing we never imagined. And that makes the new dawn even more revealing and beneficial than we could ever expect.

Sight is a glorious thing. Seeing clearly is even more precious. Hopefully when it comes through a new dawn we will have the patience to look as God leads.


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