Probably for many believers the most familiar use of this word might be from the story about the fall of Adam and Eve and how the serpent “beguiled” them. It’s meaning is in such situations one of being deceived. But on a greater level it is more than simply coming to a false conclusion, it is to allow such misunderstandings to affect one’s actions.
That is the element, which takes a misunderstanding to the level where it can be more than something that affects our thinking. Yet there are times in our spiritual life that does happen.
Over the years I have heard some amazing things said by people who were followers of the Lord or claimed to be. Some were to say the least, really incredible and often not even close to being true.
To have an opinion and especially one based solely upon some prejudice is something that I’m sure affects many of us to some degree. It is when we act upon that opinion and especially when we know it isn’t true that we end up having actions that are less than helpful or loving.
The power of the holy spirit will often open our eyes to the truth. However, we can resist such true. And if we are feed some lie that appeals to our inner desires as Satan is so good at doing, we can simply grow deaf to the voice of he Lord.
What is equally sad is when we keep following such a path despite any warnings that God gives us. How often I have come to appreciate how easy it is for us to imperfectly understand the truth and to let our prejudice be inflamed in the process.
Knowing scripture doesn’t by itself prevent us from being sucked in by lies that appeal to that desire that truly dominates our soul. God, knows that desire and so does Satan. God will grant us insight and a positive way to cope with the desire. Satan will try to fuel it for the sake of corrupting us.
And amazingly I’ve seen how easy the most devout of faithful can be sidetracked by such lures of lies. Spiritual maturity doesn’t preclude being vulnerable. Which is why I think the Apostle Paul cautions us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. For me that means never assuming or thinking we are beyond the point of being beguiled. It means not sitting back and allowing pride to fill us when we have some small or great victory. For pride truly at times opens the door to our soul that permits the temptation and beguiling to truly touch us the deepest.
Walk with pride in Jesus. Step by faith and never let go of the grasp of faith to admire one’s own hand. Take each step in the joy of only see God as sovereign and being grateful for his mercy that covers our sins even when we are beguiled. Looking back when trying to do so by pride will always end with a distorted vision. May we seek his sight to lead in the midst of any darkness that consumes who we are.
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