Probably for most bible students this word stirs certain apocalyptic or prophetic images. And while that is a very debated area of biblical studies it isn’t the type of rapture I was thinking about for this posting.
The emotion of rapture is one that is full of joy, euphoria from an almost intoxicating state of happiness. In short, it is an ecstasy you would never forget. The big question is how often have any of us experience it? Do we honestly have the opportunity in this life to know such emotion. And does it even matter if we do.
Several years ago I listen to this well respected Christian speaker who also taught sociology speak of the experience of truly being alive. For him he was speaking of what I think qualifies as rapture. This was that moment, no matter how long when even fiber of our being, from our mind to our senses is completely alive and experiencing an event. It utterly and completely strikes us to the core.
He said he had asked his students first how many of them knew what it was like to feel they were alive. What he got for a response was predictable and not very impressive. Then he redefined the idea of being alive by recounting how he remembered vividly one moment in his life when he stood on the roof of a tall building at night and overlooked a city. For one brief moment, his senses, mind and soul were totally consumed by the experience and he felt totally alive and would never forget the moment. That to me was a form of rapture. And as he confessed, that type of experience is truly rare in life.
The question I have is whether or not we have the right to expect that kind of rapture very often in life? I doubt there is any quota or law that spells out any limitations on such experiences. At the same time, at least by the definition provided by that professor mentioned in the previous paragraph I think few of us would say life reaches such a zenith of emotions on too many occasions.
In many ways I think on a spiritual level perhaps our expectations whether voiced or not do include a passing thought of how rapture should be included in our experiences with God. But does it really happen without being contrived, rehearsed or lie about.
I think the true born again experience where you feel the sudden overpowering presence of God in your life can be rapture. At least in some cases, but not all. Which I also believe is part of the problem. We are all different and the Lord knows that. Some people are and always will be very prone to controlling or subduing their emotions. Their personality simply will never lend itself to surrendering to such events for the require a certain release of you own control over you essence.
And I also know that even those who do seldom can honestly claim they happen very often. A sense of rapture can be so incredible when it happens, but I think on a spiritual level the purpose is to strengthen our faith. To grant us anchor of a given moment to help us during the tempest times of challenge that otherwise occur. If we seek the Lord and accept that as the value from such moments, then we can savor them for the right reasons. We will not let them produce the sin of spiritual pride or make them some form of soul narcotic that we crave for the pure rush. I pray we keep our hearts balanced to his desires over our own that our eyes will clearly know heaven from illusion.
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