The Breath Of Dreams
When Autumn lingers in the heart
of leaves taken by the wind
and the cold reaches to the soul
it stirs the embers of smoldering fires,
that you thought had died so long ago
But spring never truly flees the mind
the spirit doesn’t forget
a scent of delicate flowers,
which once they grew inside
where a garden arose.
Though it died and you never imagine
another would be planted in its place
by night we still feel
the breath of dreams,
to feel that peace and beauty
only known by a touch.
How it gives life a magic
a pure and exquisite essence,
nothing can replace.
Though years may pass
between two embraces
inside there is no time,
just the revival of that incredible bliss
unlike anything else we know.
May the wedding day come for you
in all the blessings
this union can have
be the reality you’ve always wanted
in the harmony of two hands being one.