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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Eternal Stones

Friday, October 30, 2009

Eternal Stones

Heaven stands on its divine foundation

never quaking from any tremors

and though times shake the spirit

among the pillars of life

by faith’s hand we always hold

onto those eternal stones.


They are etched with the word of God,

which never ceases or crumbles,

even when fissures rip across

this mortal landscape

so that night seems to reign

as a dark and polluting shroud

for the one with eyes of the soul,

there is only a gaze at His face.


To know there are many seasons

unto every generation,

but the Lord never changes

or forgets His promises.


When the day boils as crisis

though evil lurks in so many ways,

rest for the fears only comes

while remembering His sovereignty.


It is the candle one lifts

hope to keep the heart calm

because it is the light

ever shining from His grace.


With it we see both the valleys and mountains

can keep walking despite the gales,

just keeping the eyes focuses

upon the sunrise of His love,

which never stops warming

even when we only are looking at the world

in an expectation of cruel harsh winters.


Then by the power of His Spirit

perhaps we truly understand

how storms are the moments

intended to prove the witness

of what we truly believe.


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