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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Will I Remember?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Will I Remember?

Will I remember the beauty that died

after the waters have covered

all the lives and lands I tried to love?


Can I hold onto their memory

when I at last open the door to the ark

and look upon the ravished earth

prepared to seed it soil

as the Most High would bid?


How my heart must keep is strength

as I look into eyes of my family

who grow wearing as we drift

among these constant waves

while they look at me with questions

each holding back their own pain of loss.


The hours move without any sense of time

since there is no day or night,

inside our wooden hull

we cling to our faith in His provision

even when the water

makes our vessel constantly rock.


My wife tries to help preserve our peace

with her soft hugs and words of assurance,

Shem, Japheth and Ham

tend to our chores and keep their vigil

in al the ways Gods spirit leads.


How I miss the scent of life that are gone

that joy of being I the open air,

never in all the days of preaching

or building this vessel

did I truly realize

what weeks inside would do to my mood

sometimes barely able to function,

but relying in trust upon the Lord

who always manages to revive me

when the burden gets to much.


Though I can’t free myself for dreams,

still I hold onto that vision

of a chance to this time

truly honor heaven and Him

by our devotion and worship

not letting it fall from the soul

who become our descendants.


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