The Timbers Of My Heart
What builds the steeple of my soul
as the timbers of my heart
I would gladly take apart,
remove each piece that gave me life
if any single part
could ever being one moment of peace
unto the one I love.
For I could I ever feel content
while my darling stood in a storm?
Would I truly breathe and thrive
when I heard her sob from the showers?
All I have and will ever be
is but ruins if I see her tears,
nothing could rise inside my spirit
that I wouldn’t gladly use as planks
so her feet my find a path
away from the threat of sorrows.
Because I can only truly
find my own happiness
after watching her walk in safety
beyond the risk of floods.
If a lost should come unto my essence
and it be ravished by fate,
happily I would endure that tragedy
with all its consequence
even to the steps of a grave
should it grant my love
a precious pardon from any calamity or curse,
which the winds of time
might blow across her sweet, angelic face.
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