The world is never predictable. But that doesn’t keep us from trying to have it all make sense.
Which is wonderful when it can happen. And to try and decide that we can make it fit a given philosophy is so predictable in some ways.
The problem is that too often seem to fall apart. That is where you end up with all kinds of excuses for that fact.
I really am not amazed. Just after a while there are just so many who seem obsessed with making a certain teaching work no matter how crazy it gets.
One of those for me is the concept of karma. There are so many I meet who have this prevailing notion good things happen as reward for doing good and bad happens to those who do evil.
I wish that was always true. I wish there was even a slight chance it was realistic. Just like believing everything in life has to have a purpose.
That is a wonderful comment. But honestly with all the insanity that gets peddled and we endure I don’t personally accept that.
It just makes things easier to deal with on one level. But not always will it actually work on all levels.
Yes, God has a plan for life. And I think he has a plan for every person too. But some reject His will.
So the plan hardly applies where you reject Him. It just becomes what might have been in your life.
Now we all have done stupid things in our life. And sometimes those affect others. But was it part of deserved karma for something else in our lives?
Those who subscribe to karma would say so. Yet, I think in reality a lot of times it is just a matter of chance.
And that will not have to be on purpose or teach us a thing. Just part of life as well all endure it.
Which is where faith comes into play from my view. The ability to trust despite what doesn’t make any sense.
When you can trust the Lord and let Him give understanding peace can come in the process. Which is worth a lot.