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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I went shopping for bricks

seeking help from everyone I knew

they all gave me directions

unto the stores

where they were sold.


But nobody asked

what I was building

like it didn’t really matter,

while making sure

they showed me the places

that they were constructing

giving me enough of a tour

so I would eventually inquire

why they felt a need to construction

some barrier that only kept

the world out of their life.


How they would get so excited

because I cared enough to need to know,

quickly replying and then stopping their work

as if it was enough that I paid attention.


Then leaving on the way to where

building supplies could be purchase

still without finding one person

to be curious on what I was making,

deciding to not build at all,

since I was apparently

already living behind a wall

in other people’s minds.




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