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Friday, July 24, 2009


We can speak all day about how much faith we have and how spiritual we have become.  But it doesn’t change the heart.


No matter how much we wish to view our lives and above it all and void of carnal desires it isn’t the reality.  And God never promises otherwise.


So some will for one reason or another feel it is necessary to act like they have matured to a point they never sin. Which is never true.


Not that we have reason to celebrate our sinfulness.  That would hardly be something that anyone should brag about as a believer.


But there are some who just feel a need to act like they have evolved to where they never even have any bad thoughts.  Not one.


Naturally honesty is the first thing that evaporates in such situations.  Maybe they will never even admit it.


Because they are sadly more concern with the image they want to project of themselves than the truth.  And grace never enters their thinking.


As I have listened to so many teachers and the testimonies of many grace seems to never be a factor.  It sure isn’t mentioned.


Oh they will talk about faith.  And make trust an important part of their message.  However, sooner or later they will add some conditions.


They will mention some behavior or rule you need to keep.  It could be a law, giving, church membership or not sitting. 


But what happens is that they never really focus on God accepting us as we are.  So the result is it doesn’t get mentioned.


And then the true miracle of God’s unmerited favor gets totally lost.  It gets missed in the midst of all the attempts at rule keeping.


That is so sad.  For it puts people under a mantle of slavery.   A place where they will always worry about not letting their shortcomings be discovered.


It never heals or in any way guides a person to be honest about being a sinner.  Instead it just becomes more play acting.


And that never ends with the kind of blessing that brings freedom.  It only causes more imprisonment.


To one’s ideas of being sinless.




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